But when they get connected, how do they communicate? By the accidents of history, English has emerged as the supreme international language. Now people around the world invest a lot of time and money to learn English, or at least a little English, so they can gain more benefits from globalization.
We all know what Thai dance is. We know what German sausage is. We also know about Indian dress, Chinese opera, and French wine. These cultures are famous for their identities, and much of this is shaped by language: Thai language, German language, Hindi, Chinese, and French...
So, what is an international language? Who owns it? Who does it belong to? Who decides the rules and proper ways to use it? What culture defines it? We know that Thai dance belongs to Thai culture. To what culture does an international language belong?
Many will say that native English speakers are the "owners." If the world is flat and equal because of globalization, then do cultures around the world have the equal right to take English and adapt it and use it in their own cultural way? After all, English is an international language... Or is it the language of the native speakers, people like me, who are invited by many countries to travel abroad to teach their citizens how to speak English... like me.
As advanced learners of English, describe your relationship to this language. Do your English skills belong to you? Or do you follow the language rules from somewhere else? How do you play the game?
Aj. M
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Ludwig Wittgenstein
Good afternoon AJ.;
ReplyDeleteIn my own idea, one reason that makes English as international language, because English is an easy language if compare to other languages. English has an easy writing alphabets and speaking sounds. Suppose we use Chinese as an international language. It's true that people can speaking Chinese together but in the way of writing is quite difficult. I was a Chinese major student in high school. I had studied Chinese for 3 years, but I still cannot remember how to write some words in Chinese and I do not know how to read them. Therefore, if we communicate to other people via letter or something we have to write, the difficulty will happen.
My relationship to English;
I choose to study English because when I was 14 I used to fall in love with Holland man. I wanted to speak with him. I wanted to know what he was saying. Consequently, I tried to learn English. After that, I have realized that English is important. Nowadays many companies require people who are able to use English fluently. Last year, I used to search on the internet about the jobs in Phuket, all positions and any kind of jobs need people who can speak English, so people who are great in English will have more chance than who are not. The next question is if my English skills belong to me. I think my English skills belong to myself, because the way I use English is not as a native speaker. I still write some English sentences in Thai structures. Therefore, my English skills belong to me.
Thank you,
015 Section 1
ReplyDeleteIn my opinin, I think internatinal language is Wthe language that can use for many place such as travel,economic ,and use for communicate together. Everyone can be own, can belong to you and decides the rules and proper ways to use international language. Every culture can define it. We know that Thai dance belongs to Thai culture. It depend on place and situation.
My relationship to ue English;
I choose it because it is the language that can use for commnication, economic, travel and so on. My english skills belong to you. And in other place, I follow the language rules from that place. I play the game by use it in each situation because Thai people will use english when communication wit the foreigner.Then they use Thai language as before.
Good evening on the rainy day , Aj.Matthew
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I would like to tell you that I like your question that what culture does an international language belong?
It is true that one culture has its won language to show the identity of that culture. But for international language, I think it does not belong to any culture in nowadays. Some people mat say that the international language like English belongs to native speaker's culture. However, in my opinion do those native speakers share the same core culture? I just think like this because nowadays people communicate to each other by using English. The world is flat like someone had said.
By the way, while i am writing this blog, i am using the international language. This is because it is international.
People can connect to the others easily. In contrast. I think if we look into the culture concept, the international language does not belong to anybody. We just use it, I think :)
I feel free to use this language. And I'm learning it. This is like a game that I have to follow the world, but not all. If I do not use the international language like English,how can I communicate to you guys in this blog,though.:)and how can this game be more fun?
section 03
Good evening :)
ReplyDeleteFor me, IL is language can communicate around the word or most of people use it as the official language. I think that the owner of IL is native speaker or the people who use that language as the main language in daily life. Besides, I think that everyone can belong to IL when you use it. For the question is who decides the rules and proper ways to use it? I think no man decides the rule because language seems like nature. It can produce themselves. On the other hand, I think that IL belongs to everyone. Everyone can use IL.
ID: 5031006218
I think international language is the languages that can be used foe communication, in order for trade, business, and traveling.
ReplyDeleteIf you ask me why English is international language, I would say that English is the language that has a clearly grammar. It difference from many languages that do not have grammar. We can use English as formal language because there are a lot of people use English. There are many people use Chinese to communicate too. On the other hand, Chinese does not have clearly grammar. So, it is not international language.
Why Thai language is not international language even if it also has clearly grammar?
I think because Thai language has difficult vocabulary and harder to study than English language. English is the language that many countries use as formal language. They use English to communicate in any ways. So, English is the best choice for international language.
I study English because English is very important for the present life; globalization. Everything becomes English. I use it for communication with my foreigner’s friends, my teacher, and so on. Therefore, I think I have to know and study English as well.
Good morning Ajan Matthew!
ReplyDeleteYou have many questions for us ^^
I think it is quite difficult to give the answers. :D
what is an international language?
= I think it is the language that people who are from the difference places and cultures can communicate to each other. It does not have to be only in English but any languages.
Who owns it? Who does it belong to?
= I really don't know who owns it but I think we all own the language because we use it.
Who decides the rules and proper ways to use it?
= same as above. Maybe there is no exactly rule for how to use it. We just use it to communicate and let others understand us may be enough. :D
What culture defines it?
= any cultures
I would like to apologize If my answers are not clear. I think this time is very difficult to write the answer. ^^
Have a nuce day & see you in class!!
Good day ******Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, international language is a language for communication between people from different nations who do not share a common native language. I think English is an international language that people use around the world. No one can confirm that who is owns it, but the case that English become international language may be most countries in the world became colony of England. Therefore, English was the language that used more than other languages. No one can decide the rules and proper ways to use it, because it depends on each culture. Difference cultures make difference rules of languages. Although, it is the same word in English, the ways to pronounce are different because the cultures of each country are different. I think cultures define languages, as we know that Thai dace belongs to Thai culture. Therefore, English belongs to everyone as well. Everyone who uses English for communicate.
ID: 5031006213 Sec: 02
I think that international language is a tool for communication for people all over the world. Moreover, English is not belong to someone or some group, even, native speaker.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, we can use English for many things to make our world to be flat like Aj. said.
In my opinion I think that English belongs to people in the world.
5031006136 Janejira Sec. 03
I think, international language is every thing for comunication such as body language, or language. However, many will think english language are international language because it use in many country. And china language gonna be international language because chinese people leave around the world, you will see many country have china town. In my opinion, I thing body language becase you can explain everthing by body language in countries are you cannot speak their language.
ReplyDelete"Tangmo 4931006267"
Good evening Kah … Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteAt first, I am so sorry that I came to the class late at noon^^
In my opinion, international language is the language that many people around the world understand and accept it to use when they communicate with different language.
I like English; I would like to speak this language like the native speaker. When I studied in the high school, I got English score more than another subject. I studied in Science and Match because my father told me that it can help me to choose every program in the university. At that time, I know that I like English but I have to follow his suggestion. While I studied in high school, I got good score in English and bad score in science and match. Thus, when I chose English to study in the university, my father did not talk anything. He gave me to design my life. I really love this major.. I do not get a high score but I also like it very much. Moreover, I think I have to use it for my job in the future. All of above is the relationship between me and English language.
I do not know my English skill belong to me or not. But I try to speak and hope it will belong with me in soon. I try to study and do it best in class. I think my English skill will belong to me when I understand and use it well. May be not now but hope it before graduate^^
Mary … 503 1006 025 Sec. 3
Hello, Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteWell, for me, English is not really an international language because international language can be any languages that people who have different mother languages use to communicate and understand each other.
Nobody owns a language, but when you are using it you own it; and anybody decides the rule for using language.
The proper way to use is not about accents, sounds, pronunciations or anything about phonetic. It is not necessary to pronounce or use it correctly, like a native does.
It does work if people can understand each other, for me, it is enough.
Actually, The way to use language depends on the reason why you are using it?
For example, if somebody uses English as the international language to communicate with foreign travellers and cheat them; then it is not the proper way to use the international language.
Btw, much difficult to answer your questions hehe ':D
Have a good night ka
ID: 5031006065
Good evening ka !
ReplyDeleteAj. Matthew
An international language for me is the language which using for intermediary communication of people around the world. Everybody get the meaning and understands other when using it to commutate with other, although they are difference race, religion or country.
Who is the owner of English? I think this point is difficult to answer, but I think this answer should be clear if searching in the history. English is a language of England; it might be England is the owner of it and in the past England may have a power and influence to expand their language.
My relationship to English? It happened when I was a child; I seemed like to did the English examination better than other. My teacher wanted me to be a representative In English content and fight with a competitor in another school, she try to cram and give me all English knowledge. Another is I’m weak in mathematic and I always fail in logistic subject. I have not another felid to choose beside English. After this situation, I directly to this way and can enter to this university surprisingly. However, when I continue to study it, it makes me know that I’m far from it and I’m a low quality student. Nowadays, I’m try to sustain myself with a little ability until the day of my graduation.
Sweet dream na ka
ID: 5031006183
I think international language is the language that is used by developed countries and people use it the most. It is for communicate people around the world. Thus we use English language as international language.
ReplyDeleteFirst time I think English belongs to western and European people but now I'm not sure who owns it. When we learn English, we always have to follow the language rules. I think this is because English language has its own culture. For example, if Japanese people learn English, they might use it in their way and put culture in it. It might difficult to understand if Japanese people speak with English speaking people in English, they might don't understand each other because they use English in different way.
So we still have to follow the language rules anyway. No matter where it comes from.
(You might don’t understand what I write because I get confused now!!!)
Good afternoon! Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteFrom your example, kids in the poorest hill tribe villages chat through a Face book or Twitter and when they get connected, how do they communicate? Everyone in the world knows that must use English for communication with foreigner but they don’t know why they use English is international language. Therefore, I think international language is language that everyone in the world can communicate understanding each other. English doesn’t have ownership because many countries use English as official language. I think that in another side, England is ownership of English because everyone accepts English from England is the most correctly. I think about your point and we know we must use English to communicate with other people and must learn grammar for using it but we don’t know who begin to use it. English language runs into my country after World War II. In the past, countries which use English as official language are great power countries. I think it might be spread out around the world. Normally, human receive new things from other country like international language and foreign language. International language also belongs to human and culture.
Thank you for your interesting topic.
Pa ID: 5031006215 Sec: 02
At first time, I think that the international language is the language that people used the most and it is a wide spread language. I think that if we talk about international language, most of people may think that English is the international language but for me myself, I think that the international language can be any other language if that language has been used by many people. I also agree with you that nobody own the international language, because I think that even though, many people use English as an international language, they also use in their style which do not like the native speaker. In my opinion, different culture will have different rules for using the language but the significant thing is that we can communicate with each other by using the same tool which is the international language.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello Aj.Matthew
ReplyDeleteThis topic is very delicate because international language appear in many societies, communities and so on. There are many reasons of why people around the world emphasize in English language. The one of this reasons is they want to show or present that what they are in the globalization and they can be equal the other people or not.
In my opinion, in the first time I think English language is the special language that can communicate many people who are different from me such as race, nationality, religion, culture and so forth. Therefore, I believe that if I can learn English language, I will communicate with them. It can make the world is narrow. However, English language in different areas can give the different meaning too. It affects to miscoummunication between NS and NNS. Anyway, the native speaker always use their language better than others. It may say that they belong their language as creator.
ID:5031006174 Section 02 ^^
Hello, Ajarn Matthew
ReplyDeleteWell, as I am a learner of English, English does not belong to me, but it relates to me in term of beneficial. English is beneficial to me as I use it to be gained an opportunity to find and do a job. Therefore, if you ask me that does English belong to me, I can say no, it doesn’t; if you ask me do my English skills belong to me, I can say yes, of course. For, my English skill is my ability that belongs to me – I can speak, read, listen and write it. I make the skills by myself; I can improve and develop it. However, I can not use it rightly if I do not follow English’s rules. I know the rules from my native, foreign and Thai teachers who teach me in English and I feel to the difference of the English I have learnt such as the British and American’s pronunciation. Therefore, when I speak English, I feel that I have no sense of English. My sense of English is I can speak English, but I don’t know how to deal with the sense or the feeling of native speakers because sometime, I know what they say but I don’t know what really they mean. So, I think that although English is an international language – people around the world can speak English but they can not avoid misunderstanding as English does not belong to them.
5031006190 Section 02
I am not the owner of English language but I use English to communicate with foriegners(Farang). I am learning English and I can use English in any ways.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I think that the native speaker must be use English language better than others.Non-native speaker sometime use English in the wrong meaning.
Some of English vocabulary cannot be explained by other language. Same as some of Thai vocabulary cannot be explained by English or other language. If it can, it may not give the best explanation or the most correct meaning.
This topic is very interesting, difficult and complicated ka aj.Matthew.
ReplyDeleteIt’s thoughtful for us to debate about English language. Ha!!!
I think, culture is changing in globalized world. We all have new useful things like mobile phones and internet to connect with other people. When we get connected, we use language as a tool for communication. And every language can be the tool for connecting people, it depends on who are we communicating with. We still understand each other quite good even we have culture differences. So, understanding is an international language because we are not excellent in communication, but if we understand each other, then we can communicate.
We all are the owners of an international language in every culture when we try to communicate to each other.
I have been learning English for years, but I still making mistakes. I miscommunicate because I know the words but do not know and understand senses as we have discussed in class this morning. However, I cannot stop learning this language because it is a part of my life. I cannot study at MFU if I do not know English. And I cannot surf on the internet without English. It’s very hard to live in globalization world without English
My English skills belong to me in Thai way because I do speak Tinglish. When I speak English I still remain Thai tones.
Have a nice weekend!
ID#5031006055 Section: 02
I'm enjoying these comments... they are very thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteOne point that must be clear is that there are many Englishes. How clear you are in your communication will depend on who you are communicating with. Cross cultural communication is about understanding what someone "really" or "authentically" means when they say something in English.
You may have a different understanding of some words than other cultures; such as, the title of this blog post: "make merit"... only people familiar with Thai culture will understand this English phrase.
I thing English is an international language because it is a language that people around the word used the most. And I also think that because in the past England was a powerfull country, they have colonies aroud the world. That is the one reason that why English became an international language. for the reason that chose to learn this languange becuse I want to go to abroad and can comunicate with those people who are in that countries, as same as the reason that I have mention before because English is an international language. In my opinion, I think that these language is not belong to me, it belong to me just only when I live in my country, like the game that we played in classroom. each group have different rule to play the game. If we move to another group the rules were changed and we have to change the way to play game. In the real life, I might speak English in the way that I want but if I go to another country that use these language as a mother language, some time I may the way to speak follow that country.
ReplyDeletewell! I am really interesting this topic,as all of us know englisg language is the tool that was used to communicate to each other around the world.Before I am syudying this topic, I always realize that english language is belong to native speaker of english.It is neccessary for Thai learner of English to follw the rule and how to pronounce it.However, after studying this topic ,I found it is quite unfair if English is international language and we have to follow native speaker.It is because of international language means we have an equal right to use it whether adapt it or use it according to our culturual way.
ReplyDeleteID :5031006045 (Tee)
I think international language is a central language of this world. I decide to learn English language because I want to open my world with travelling. Thus,English should be my important tool in my future. I also like NS's culture. Then, I like to learn English. For Chinese, I don't like their way such as; loud eatting or lucky for only son. I prefer to speak equal language.I like English.
Hi, Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteAn international language for me is the language which the people using for communication together around the world. Some people may come from different place. They may have a different religion, race, etc. However, everybody will get the meaning and understand others when they using an international language.
About the question who is the owner of English? I don’t know too much about the correct answer. Even so it might be owns by Eng land according from the history. England may be the country where expanding to others country.
The relationship between me and English, I think I have some weak point about the grammatical. However, I can use it to communicate with others and they can get my meaning and what the thing which I want to express. All in all I think the English program at Mae Fah Luang help me a lot. Subjects that I have learned in English major are improve many skills of English to me. I will keep all knowledge that I got to adapt with my daily life until the future is coming. :)
Name: Thank you*
ID: 5031006022 Section: 03
Hello Aj. Matthew :)
ReplyDeleteFor me, I think English is very important in nowadays because as we know that it become the international language that we mostly use to communicate, to educate, to work, and so on. English is wide spread around the world; most people can understand to each other when they communicate with English. So, English is one language which I think I should concern and learn it well. I try to improve English skills all the time, but I found that it is difficult. I often speak English on the base of Thai pattern. I mean when I speak English I will think Thai sentence first, and then translate to English. Moreover, pronunciation is other problem for me. Sometimes it makes mistakes between me and native speakers. They do not understand the word what I say because I mispronounce it.
However, although studying language will be quite difficult, I like it. I have study French when I was high school. I feel happy when I studied it. French is a melodious language and it is not hard to learn. Language is a challenge thing. I think if we know more about language, we will have more opportunity than other persons in terms of jobs, relationship, or everything. Especially if we are good in English language, I believe that we will precede other persons. Even if English is not the mother language for me and Thai people, but it seem to be the important language which we should learn and should follow the language rules. We have to try to use it correctly even if it is hard.
Lastly, I think English skills belong to everybody because we should use the same language rules in order to eliminate mistakes of communication.
Merci beaucoup ^^
5031006002 : Sec.01
I think International language is the language is used for communication each other. It is equipment for connection in different language. People use international language for economy, communication, and so on.
ReplyDeleteWhy Thailand does not international language? In my opinion, Thailand is small country. It has population lower some countries, Then the world has people use English more, English becomes international language.
Who owns it? Who does it belong to? I think everyone is owner. It does not have rule but we apply and try to use it well in culture.
Kornkanok Nonthanum
ID.5031006004 Section.3
Good morning, Ajarn. Matthew
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I think an international language is a language that accepted to use it the most and it is important for communicating, trading, educating, travelling etc. It has central role until nowadays.
An international language is using around the world. In some countries are using it in daily life but some are not. In Thailand, we used an international language only some situation such as studying, business working, communicating with foreigners and so on. Because of Thailand is a small country and it has population lower than another country, so the language does not dominant for other people eyesight. I’m not sure about who are the owners of an international language but I just know that it is influent people when native English speakers came to share and in ancient times, some countries became the colony of native English speakers. Those are reasons that why English is an international language.
The relationship in this language among people, they have used an international language on their own cultural way, so it is not belongs to whoever. In each country have many way for communicating. I think it depends on their cultural way and it has not rules to follow from somewhere else.
Thank you for your interesting topic
Have a nice weekend. :)
JIB ID: 5031006217
Section: 02
Hi, Aj.Matthew
ReplyDeleteInternational lang is the lang that we use to communicate with people who are not used the same lang as us.
Nowadays, there are 7 official (international) languages of United Nations.
First one is Mandarin, and second is English.
I think, this rank is not show the important of each language but it depends on the amount of population of each country that use those languages.
As u can see from the rank, Mandarin is the first international language because number of population.
I think language is a culture
Since we were born, why i can speak Thai.
I havn't studied any rules of it, so I have learned and imitate from other people.
For example, many Thai women married with foreign husband, why they can speak English fluently without studying English at all.
From u'r question, i think English is still an international language. Although, the number of people who can speak is larger than native speakers. England involed this language and English language belongs to England also.
I think the first country who created lang will be the owner of that country.
The reason that i think English is international lang cause there are many people around the world use it eventhough England is a small country when we compare with China.
Moreover, i belive that almost every country in this world put Englisn language in their instruction too.
Moreover, many people say that English lang has easy grammar that why we use that as the medium of communication.
For example,In South East Asia, although every country has thier own mother tongue, but they still use English as medium of communication too.
Ps. I wonder sth. that why the sound of mother word like Mom(Eng),mama(Chinese),Mae(Thai)
We use the same initial sound.
bye now.
I think English is an international language because many people around the world use it. Even though in that countries has their own language but they still learn English as a second language.
ReplyDeleteI think an international language has no ownership because everyone can use it. Many people believe that native speakers are authentic of English. It is not surprising because native speaker use English to be a mother tongue and they can speak English more fluently than other.
No one can decide the rules or proper way to use it. Since we were young, we do not know why we had to learn English. But the teacher still taught us and they said that English will be important in nowadays and many people will use it like an international language, so, we have to learn English. The answer is not clear but we still learn till nowadays and think that English is really important like the teacher said.
Good evening Aj,
ReplyDeleteIt's been so long I didnt participate your blog T-T
For this week, it is about international language. Of course, we're talking about English language. English is considered as an international language because it's been used widely in the world. People use it for their purposes such as business, education, and friendship. In my opinion, I think English belongs to English native speakers because we learn English based on the sentence structures of them. People try to use English as the native speakers, but most of us can not do it. When we speak English, we do put our culture in the language. Therefore, people who from different cultures might not understand what we are talking about even though we use an international language to communicate. This can cause misunderstanding to happen. However, the point is English belongs to English native speakers, but the suitability of using it depands on where we use it, and in what culture that we use English.
Thank you for the interesting topic,,,^^
Na-Young,, 5031006115
Hello Aj.Matthew,
ReplyDeleteFirstly, my account was erased.
Now let's get to the point. As you have asked "what is our relation to English?" The answer would be English is one of my tools of communication. I use English to talk to foreigners. I use English as a tool to decrypt the messages those are written in the books, websites, video games and many things. I think English is a skill that belongs to me eventhough it is invented by someone else. my reason is I have aqquired this language in my brain and I could use it in anyway I want to. However, I still have to follow the rules of it in order to make the receiver of my message understand me also.
So I think this is my answer of your questions. What do you think?
Have a good Sunday Aj.M
Hi, Aj. M
ReplyDeleteI hate to say but I do try to immitate the way native speakers speak English.
and I just realize that fact when you asked me.
How bad :(
In my opinion, I immitate their way of English because I think that English speakers own English language...but I never think before that there are many accents and dialects in English too!
Maybe I am immitating some English dialect right now - -"
How sad Puthachad was trick by globalization...
5031006063 section 1
ReplyDeleteEnglish language is international language because people around the world use English for communication. We learn English form native speaker because they may know their language very well. In Thailand, they learn English in some situations such as deal a business, study aboard and communicate with the foreigner.
I think English is not belong to whoever because people around the world can use it in the paticular way.
Hi, Aj.M
ReplyDeleteFor your question in this week, I think everybody knows English is a international language but rarely of people know about how English language is a international language.
For me, I'm using English for education and a tool for communacate with my foreigner friends. I know that every of international airports use English language communicate with traveller.We can see from the symbols, posters, counters of airline. or time table flights. Then for this point let's me think that English language is a internation language.
Parichat Poomthong
ID: 5031006048 Section:03
In my opinion, English is a language of the westerners even though many people around the world can use English and also adapt it. I think it is just the way they use; it does not mean they can be an owner of that language.
ReplyDeleteChariya Sawangsri 5031006010 Section 01
English is not belong to me! I learn it for communication with people around the world because it is international language that its role as a lingua franca. Although, I learn English from both Thais and English native speakers but I still use English as Thai style or Tinglish. My mother tongue is affected my communication so I always miscommunicate with native speaker.
ReplyDeleteFor example, before I learnt Translation subject. I always said:
" she said you walked 30 miles"
I always answer " No, she is over(instead exaggerating). It was only about 15. Or I said " A boy naughty like a monkey" ( instead a boy is a bear) because in my mother tongue " monkey" imply
to someone who naughty so foreigner don't understand what did I say. On the other hand, if they say " a boy is a bear" I can't understand them.
Thai language is belong to me so I can use it correctly rather than use English which is my lingua franca.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi, Aj.Matthew
ReplyDeletewhat is our relation to English?
ANS. I think the people who lives in this world that they must be relate with English language because it is a interntional language.
Such as; business, education, travel,electronic equipment, and so no. It almost is English.So, we need to apply and learn about it for ourlife.
Hello Aj.Matt, :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for your questions again. I like this topic picture. LOL
From last week to this week, topics are very interesting because they all are about worldwide, not only who and why am I.
I think that international language is English as others understand it because we use it to communicate with foreigners, known as farang.
I'd love to share that as I studied History of English last semester, I understood some points clearer that why Eng is widespread around the world. The reasons are as follows: Translating Bible to English, and English language side won the WWII. These all are relevant to our daily life.
So, English language countries are powerful, and so that other countries will automatically use Eng to negotiate business and communicate for better understanding something like that.
In my opinion, nobody owns Eng because everyone freely use it, as we can see English in many different accent (in own cultural identities) such as Tinglish etc...
About relationship with language, I use it as a tool to communicate with other people understandably. I will play game differenly when I'm in different places; it depends on each rules.
In Thailand, maybe I speak Tinglish to communicate. But once, I meet foreigners, I should pronounce correctly as their way to communicate successfully.
I think learning different accents of Eng is also taken into account. Going to China to speak Chinglish. Singapore, Singaplish...These are also international language in one's own cultural ways, as you mentioned.
That's all is what I think ka Ajarn. What do you think ka?
Maybe I should learn more and more about that to make sure my answers or my main points.
Thank you ka^^
Hope u have a good time and plz take care of yourself.
See you :)
Tipparat [Mingming] ID: 503-1006-031 Section 01
hi, Aj.M
ReplyDeleteThis week is one of my tough week. i got lots of thing to do. Anyway, I want to say that I really like the Grace's comment. It's nice to have some reference as she does in the ranking of the international languages. At last part of her comment, she asked about the word to call "mother" - why is it has to begin with "M" sound. I can guess an answer. It's because the first sound that the baby can say out loud is the "M". they cannot say the other sound because it's too hard for them. As the mother and the child have the special relationship, so the people might think that the first word that baby will speak should be dedicate to the mother. however, the different cultures have the different style of calling the mother and that's make the word different but still the same innitial consonant; "m".
Let's get back to the real topic that we should start to talk about few minutes ago.
what is an international language? Who owns it? Who does it belong to? Who decides the rules and proper ways to use it? What culture defines it? <<< honestly, I don't have the answer for these questions but I think that the international language has no owner. like we discuss in class, the international language has to have many quality such as widespread using, makes strong economy, deals with education, and easy to communicate.
These qualities appears in more than one language but only in the certain use. Sometime, there is no reason of being international of language. Therefore, I think that it just depends on the situation.
Good evening
ReplyDeletePersonally, an international language is the language which has no culture because a large number of people who live in different regions growing up in different cultures speak this international language. It depends on the speakers to speak the language based on their own cultures or others'. They do not have to follow every original rule as long as people understand whatever they speak to each other through the language.
English is my third language after Thai and Chinese. As a child, I used to dream to be able to speak English very well. When I studied in high school, I realized that I like this language and that's when I started to practice how to be fluent in it. I follow the rules of English and I studied the grammar. By following the rules, I learned some cultures from English natives and they don't change who I am. No matter how well I can speak English in the future, my cultural and physical features will remain the same (Perhaps slightly change!).
Have a good time
Section: 02
Hello, Aj. Matt
ReplyDeleteThis is first time to answer this blog in this year. ButI am enjoyed with all my answers.
Language is an important tool to communicate with other people so both Thai and English are my tool to communicate.
Also, I have to live and survive in this with language and I believe that language and human are not seperated.
I was forced to study English in the class since I was young, so I feel that English skills do not belong to me at all.
Currently, I also believe English does not belong to me or anyone because everyone can use English even if you are not English.
There are many rules taught by many teachers of English I have to follow the rules because it is not my own so I dont know the rules.
And If English like a game, I just play with fun and careful as well.
P.S. Have you ever made a merit and how do you feel?
Hi Aj.Matt!
ReplyDeleteFrom my opinion, I think we confront with the crisis of 'language'. When someone did not know 'English' and make a mistake, everyone laugh at them.
I did not know why everyone making a mistake people in our society would defame them.
It is their fault because they does not know about foreign language?
My relation with English skills are quite good, but in communicate,failed.
I must follow the everyone communicate rule, in English. I cannot find the own way in English because I do not know what is English should be?
Mr.Rawin Petchwattana (Win)
Section 2
Well, I think international language is language which people use to communicate with each other as a central language. No one owns it even native speaker still use it in difference ways and it belong to us when we use it. Although we speak the same language but sometimes it still misunderstanding because of cultural barrier.
Hello Aj.M :)
ReplyDelete"International language is a tool for communication" . I think the meaning of international language depends on user too. Sometimes it might not be English language but it is a language which we can use and communicate other.
Anyway international language can affect to our life such as we have to study second and third language for something in the future. That's why we should know what is it? and why does it important?
5031006051 ~ Dew
what is an international language?
ReplyDeleteI think an international language is the language that is used world wide, and a large number on users use it. The language that people who come from different countries use to communicate and understand each other.
And as advanced learners of English,I feel very close to this language when I use it to study in my university life. I learn alot and make a lot of mistakes. Anyway, I don't think that English belonds to me because I still don't know alot of English. I don't have enough knowledge to use English. It's different from Thai which I feel that Thai language belongs to me.
5031006014 Aom
Good evening sir
ReplyDeleteLast card game that we played in CCC class, i followed my friend in each group. In addition, i never play this type of card game before(^_-).
The relationship between English lauguage and me begin with loving of Harry Potter series. I beginned to learn the language with British langauge style from the series and then America style. Therefore, the English langauge is not belong to me. However, sometimes I speak english in tinglish way.
My English was applied from English and American movie and music. I have applied English skills from enterainment medias since i was grade 7.
5031006194 Sec.02
Good evening sir
ReplyDeleteLast card game that we played in CCC class, i followed my friend in each group. In addition, i never play this type of card game before(^_-).
The relationship between English lauguage and me begin with loving of Harry Potter series. I beginned to learn the language with British langauge style from the series and then America style. Therefore, the English langauge is not belong to me. However, sometimes I speak english in tinglish way.
My English was applied from English and American movie and music. I have applied English skills from enterainment medias since i was grade 7.
5031006194 Sec.02
Hi, Aj. Matt
ReplyDeleteFrom the question, I think an international language is the language that people use to communicate, may know as formal language. People may come from different place but they can communicate by using an international language.
No one belongs to English language, but human created the language. People are using English language to communicate together.
EVE (170)
sec: 02
From discussion of CCC class about the international language, I do agree with those discussed details that we cannot take cultures away from language because when we learn the language, also we do learn cultures of the language.
ReplyDeleteFor example, I want to speak English as native though I must learn many things as I can. I took an expensive English course. I chose to study in the international bilingual university. I talked to many foreigners. I went to U.S.A.
Moreover, I have to learn more about cultures related to English such as a self- confident to talk, eyes contact when talking, how to greet with other as native, and so on. English skills do not belong to me because I have to learn cultures even the language from native speakers or teachers. Lastly, each person has different purpose to learn something such as language.
Thus, having an international language which is accepted by people around the world, it helps all of mankind can communicate together as globalization even though we have different race.
Hathaitip Phanmetharit
5031006102 GIFT Sec.3
Hi Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry that I can't come to class on Thursday. Because I had diarrhea that made me less power.
For the question, in my opinion I think my relationship to English language is not quite good but I have some problems about communication with native speakers. Because I'm very excited and some natives speak very quickly and unclear. Moreover, I do not like writing because it is very strict. It must be correct in English grammar.
On the other hand, in communication I try to speak with natives who speak slowly and very clear as you. ^^ For me, I do not like follow the rules, thus my speaking skill and listening skill are easy to improve more than writing skill.
Finally, with this sentence "You are English Major." It makes me try to improve my English skills better. I will try to do it sucessful. Fighting!!!
Good night My Handsome teacher ^________^
See you in Class Ka
Sec. 01
Hi!!! Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, international language is the word that I have heard it since I begin to learn English. My English teacher told me that we have to learn English because it is an international language. When I was young, I wondered that why I have to learn only English but not Chinese, France, Japanese, or other language. The answer is English as international language, it use to communicate with people around the world. I accept that knowledge at the moment. Now, I know that there are many languages that are international language because international language has a lot of native speakers. Nobody belong international language. It depends on who use it. The word “making merit” is English, but native speakers don’t know real meaning of it. It is used correctly only in Thai culture. Culture make international language doesn’t have owner.
Have a good dream……ZzzzZZz
Good evening Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteI want to say that English language is not international language in my opinion.
It is because someone said so.
I think that English language becomes international because from the past that England went to other countries to make them became the colony.
Can you imagine that? If Thailand did the same as England did in the past, Thai language would become the International Language?
About the Chinese, it becomes because their population that go to other countries.
When a group of people go to somewhere, they will bring their own culture and identity to that place. Like Vietnam that was the colony of France and France brought their culture to Vietnam which was many kinds of bread and bun.
You can see there are many barrows that sale breads and buns on the road in Ho Ji Min.
I speak English because I have to but I speak Thai because of my country.
Thank you so much and have a good night
5031006176 Section 02
In my opinion, human is the creator and the user language; language is the center of communication, so language belong to the users. There are a lot of languages in the world, it’s necessary to set some language to be international to communicate and that language is English which is accepted from the world. I’m one of all to desire to be good in English for finding a good job in the further. English is second language which I learnt, it is difficult to understand. Another reason because of I’m Thai, I’m strict in mother language, so my language is mixed between English and Thai. I think in Thai and translate into English in Thai way that is the cause of miscommunication. So, I will improve myself to be better and better.
ReplyDeleteNOK AiiR
ID: 5031006040
Section: 02
In m opinion, English as the international language does not belong to any country. My relationship with English language is quite tight becuase I grew up in the city of tourism. English takes a very huge part in my education. I might say that all private school in Phuket right now have a bilingual system for thier students. As same as in secodary public schools, most of them are bilingual and trilingual (plus Chinese language). English in my city is very important for business and tourism. I cannot ignor or escape from English. Start with bilingual local chanels, Englsih Phuket local newspapers, tourists, foreign teachers, half-blood children, ads, and etc. cause me to use English. This is one of my reason to take English major here because I am familiar with it from my environment.
ReplyDeleteI would say that English is full of skills which I can practice. It might be good or bad, I cannot know. I think, these English skills are not mine at the beginning but it will be mine after I can use it. At the start, follow teachers rules were the most clever way to pass these skills. But after I use English as the way I want. I don't care much about grammar. - -' England , Canada, USA or Australia are not with me when I speak English but THAI is.
Above comment, ID 4931006010 Section 1.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning,Aj.M ^_^
ReplyDeleteFrom the topic, I think people wouldn't deny if someone tell them that English belongs to native speak like you. Apart of my opinion, along with history, English belongs to those but not now. As international language, we all use English in different ways, even native speak like you. Canadian might use English differebtly from British or American.
Due to my English, I've been trying to use English like a native speaker. Somehow I still try to use it in my Thai way i.e. Thai accent basing on Thai cultural concepts.
Therefore, no one can really be the owner of English.
Thank you, Aj.M
ID: 503 1006 001
Section 01
As we know that Endlish is an international language ... and you said that an international language has no owership.
ReplyDeleteAs I am English major ...
I have to try to listen english in various accent.
I am Thai ... If i speak english with Thai accent. Then ofreignors have to try to understand my accent as well. :P
Is it wrong, isn't it?
Kansinee Somjai
ID 5031006090
Section 03
Hi! Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, I think that English language becomes international language because in the past, there is colonialism from western countries. Therefore, a lot of countries (like Singapore, India and so on) use English as official language.
In fact, I started studying extra English classes with my beloved teacher because she taught me English grammar easily. Therefore, I selected studying English major.
Thank you
ID:5031006101 sec.3
Well done everyone. It seems that many of you have a very personal relationship with your English. When we used to talk about the many different cultural identities that we carry around with us everyday, language is one of them, and it seems that learning another language like English gives you a new cultural identity to mix with everything else that you are. We will continue to think about this idea.
ReplyDeleteWhat is an international language?
ReplyDeleteI think an international language is a language used worldwide. No one own that language because almost people on the earth use that language which is English.
On the other hand, I think my English skill is belong to me when I speak English in Thai society and sometime I should follow the language rules from somewhere else, for example, if I go aboard, I should follow the native language rules to communicate with people in that country. Moreover, if I speak with foreign teachers, i should speak like a native because if I speak like tinglish, they won't understand me.
,,Namfon,, 099 sec3
Hi, Ajarn
ReplyDeleteTalking about the international language like English, at first time when I study English, I always think that English is owned by British. I understand that British who speak English are original native, not any countries except of England. One more, I understand that the most correct ways of speaking English is following the British. At that time I believe that English is international language belonging to English only.
However, after you explained about the internationalization, I understand correctly that international language is not belong to any countries even if it origins in England. People around the world can speak English in their own style differently, but we can understand each other. I think that people around the world speak in different ways because their culture. We can see that there are many things in culture exchanged by communication like Ajarn Canadian and Thai students.
I totally agree with that statement that say the globalization make the world flat.
ReplyDeleteAs we all know that english is an international language, we all do receive many culture from them also.
Then, we all need to learn English since we were young to know how to communicate with others.
Actually, I think this is not so fair!
We all have to follow what people think that it might be good.
Like in Japan, they are rarely speak English because they do not want to follow others and they still can stand by their own country.
Hello, Matthew
ReplyDeleteI hope it not too late for comment this block55
For me, I do not understand why English language is international language? Who place this rule? Why it belong to native speaker? Like you said that English language at now. it belong to everyone in the world or every country in the world. It depend on how can we adept it to our own way. In the past, English belong to western people because the western people make it, and then transmit to the other country around the world by English people that do business with eastern people. However, now everything has been change, English belong to everyone and it is not wrong if we say English in our own way like I say Thai English, it might me make native speaker little confuse, but me and Thai people understand and just like that. I do not tell you that I love English language, but the reason that makes me need to learn English. Because of I love to share my opinion to the other people and do love to talk, especially I want to find new experience. So, it makes me want to learn English, and when I learn it more and more I feel fun and happy to talk English. Just like that, I done. 555+
I think that the changing of culture is not always has a negative result.In the other hand in some of chainging of culture can bring a positive result to people and socitety. As we obviously see in the globalization culture.This result can create more alternative about the way of commuincation between people in the world. By the way, keeping the cultural indentities is also important in oder to conserve the cultural heritage for transfering to the next generation.
sec: 01
I think English language is a n international language because most people in the world use it to communicate together. they can understand as the same when they use English language more than other language. and we use the international language to get more benefit in our life.
ReplyDeleteIn contrast, English language cannot to communicate in some situation because many people inthe world cannot speak english as well. For example, when you go to Japan you will not understand their language and cannot use English language to communicate with them because the most of Japanese people have not English language as well.
Jutawan Piansiripinyo ID 5031006135 Section 3