Monday, January 18, 2010

Globalization... Internationalism... Nationalism... And Culture?

We're back to class and back to the book. For the first half of the semester, we have focussed on Who and Why am I. We have tried to study and learn about how our culture helps us to construct our identity: what we think, what we believe, what we hope for, and how we communicate it to other people.

For the rest of the semester, we are going to think and study about the effects of other cultures on us: We are now experiencing a more global and interconnected world because of many reasons such as business, technology, politics, war, and the environment. Cross cultural communication is more important now than ever before in history.

We will study about some cultural issues that we are facing everyday. What is globalization? Internationalization? Nationalism? And what does that mean for Culture?

Globalization is a popular word these days, and I always hear people say it. However, no one can ever really explain what it means. For this week, I am interested to know what you think. Make your best try at defining this word: globalization. Good luck. Aj. M

“We must take care that globalization does not become something people become afraid of.” Gerhard Schroeder


  1. I dare to say that I do not really understand this word "globalization"

    I think it is about everything around the world can connect each other very fast.
    So, it will affect to communication.

    Since i was born, there are many thing had changed in terms of language,commerce,education,media etc.

    Internet is part of globalization also which is widely used nowadays.

    Last week, i watched movie "AVATAR"
    it makes me remind sth. about "human race".

    Although, we have high technology and become more globalization, our mental,thought,and heart is going down and down.

    Is it the influence of globalization or depends on ourselve?

    Grace: 105

  2. Hi! Aj. Matthew

    We come back to lesson again!!!!!!!

    In my opinion, globalization means changing of social world. I mean that when everything in the world change, daily life of people can change as well. For example, when technology is developed, people can use internet to connect together. Internet can bring us to know everything that we wan to know in the world. We can learn through internet, we can trade by using internet, and students can study on internet. Every people in the world can communicate. This is one of effect of globalization. I think that it is a good way open world for everyone. Globalization is instrument of cross culture communication and globalization makes the world to be internationalization.

    For the word Nationalism, I know that it means everyone have to love their native land and try to develop them to be internationalization. I believe that globalization can make every country to be internationalization if everyone in the world helps together.

    “We should not build the wall to obstruct learning new things”

    This is all of my opinion but I don’t know that it is right or not. I wait to know correctly meaning of the words from you in the class. (*_*)

    Have a sweet dreammmmmmmmm zZzZ (-_-)

  3. I want to share something now!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Today is Thai Army Day and television program has a special program about military in Thailand. While I was listening, I heart something about globalization. They said that “Globalization is the cause of criminal problem in nowadays”. It made me think about it. I don’t know how it happens but I guess that globalization has both of good points and bad points, it depend on people views.

    How globalization make crime???????????

    Criminal problem is internationalization problem, Right????????


  4. Globalization is capitalism!

    As we know that Globalization means bounderless. Everyone can communicate oversea or wherever you are.

    My point is Globalization was embeded by capitalism because if you can communicate oversea, it means you can sell or buy all over the world.

    Sometime, it is not directly selling but it embeded with pop culture : K pop, J pop and American pop culture.

    In fact, the attitude of people in underdevelop countries or deveping countries toward the country that developed will be in positive way.

    For example, Thai teenager are very appreciate with Korean people that they are looking good and richer than us,
    so they tried to be like Korean by purchasing Korean's cosmetic , clothing style and behave like the way Korean do.

    That is a big effect of capitalism in Globalization era. That is why I think in that way.

    Kukkui, 229 ^^

  5. I think that globalization means all areas in the world are connected together by communication in the way of business and trade.

    In the past, people were also communicate to other people in different countries, but it was not convenient and took a long time to travel. Today is extremely opposite. We have the new technologies and we can keep in touch to another one easily.

    The internet is the essential factor that cause the globalization, because internet is so much fast and cheap. Therefore, people in all classes can access it.

    This is my idea about the globalization.

    Pang 015 Section1

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I remember that I have learned about Globalization when I was a first year student in Culture Study Course, but I found that I forgot it already because at that time, I do not interest about it.

    However, the word Globalization has been used a lot at present time and it also influence our world. Many people say like now the world becomes a globalization.

    In my opinion, Globalization is a changing of the world. It means that the world becomes worldwide, universal or closer more than the past. Many things in the world has changed and developed more than the past such as technology. There is no boundary among people nowadays because people can communicate with each other even though they live in different place via telephone or internet. Therefore, Globalization is a kind of linking.


  8. Hello! Aj. Matthew

    Yesterday, you were playing basketball very good. Cheerful :)

    This topic is very interesting and I would like to share idea with you. In my opinion, globalization means difference between old generation and new generation in various ways such as technology, politics or environment. It affects to culture directly because at present, social network or internet is the most popular such as face book, hi5 or twister. It has influence to people a lot. Culture in communication has been changed by generation and language in speech is changed by human as well. For example, when we chat with our friend through MSN program, we’ll use informal or slang language instead. Nowadays, we can communicate worldwide not specific in our country anymore and we will be convenient in receiving information and news in diary life from other country through website. All, it is cause of globalization.

    However, it is good things to human because technology is non-stop and it is more advance in the future. Human must adjust to new thing all the time and wherever you live, you must change yourself following in each country in each culture as much as you can because we are human in globalization.

    Good Luck Aj. Matthew

    PA ID: 5031006215 SEC: 02

  9. Globalization is a human attempt of putting a whole world into a small food processor, blend everything together and become a glass of mysterious drink. The satisfaction of this drink is depends on who you hand it to.
    Some like it, some don't. Some got diarrhea, some got more power!
    I guess I have too high imagination. hahaha ^^


  10. Good evening Ajan Matthew.

    We used to study under the topic of Globalization two years ago as Pupae said.

    I think the word "Globalization" means our world that is changing a lot from the past. As we can see that our world has been changed and developed a lot of the way that people communicate to each other. It seems much easier and more convenience because we have high technologies.

    This is how I understand the word "Globalization" ...

    Have a good night and see you later

    ID: 5031006095
    SECTION 03

    PS I like the game that we played in the class today. It was a lil confuse and fun!! ^^

  11. Good Night :)

    In my opinion, I think that globalization is most of thing in the world are changing. Technology is more convenience more than the past. The people can contact with each other easily. For the meaning of internalization,
    I don’t know the meaning of this word. Lastly, nationalism is the proud of each nation.

    ID: 5031006218

  12. I am the one who are not understand well about globalization!!!

    I just think that in the past, today, and tomorrow are globalization.

    We cannot deny this word because we must depend on it.

    Our globe amd our qre globalization.

    Moreover, internationalism may be exist in our life also.

    For me I am Thai, I can say that O love Thailand. For this I call it "nationalism"

    However, I am nationalism, I can adapt myself to this era"""Globalization""" !!!

    5031006136 sec.03

  13. Globalization in my definition, I think it is an exchanging culture, language, thought of people all over this world via communication that can be in every where and at every time. Besides, I think that the world is advance whereas it is narrower – people can communicate easily and easier. We can communicate together via many things, especially by mass media. Therefore, it is interesting that globalization might have pros and cons. For the pros, I think globalization is a chance which people can share worldview and for the cons, I think globalization make something change that I mean to “culture” for example Korea Pop-culture in Thailand. Then, globalization makes me think about civilization of some cultures and some societies where are being assimilated or lost their own identity. Therefore, my question is finally, no matter what is affected by globalization - good or bad; we should firstly ask ourselves that whose creates it if it is not us.


  14. hi welcome back to our class again.

    I my opinion, globalisation means to make the differents culture all over the world to be the same through technologies. Moreover, it makes our world change in positive and negative way. Actually I dont understand about globalisation too much but i think globalisation is good because we can communication with many people around the world by several media such as internet. It's easy to contact people through it, so globalisation make us communicate easily.

    night night :)

    Namfon,, 099 sec 3


    I believe that most of people always think globalization is relate to technology but I think in different. Globalization is not only technology but also include everything that relate to the technology. It is something that continuing develop day by day.

    Globalization will mean the world without borderless in somehow and I think because of world without borderless that causes to make something new happen. Therefore, globalization is look like the food chain in ecosystem; it has to rely on each other and has an affect to others.

    Have a nice day ^^

    5031006172, section 2

  16. Hi! Aj. Matthew

    The blog in this week is so interesting and ought to present to everyone.

    “Globalization” I define the meaning of it in terms of world civilization. It is about the increase of any cultural influences that make on people such as technologies, goods, services and so on. And important, it has effects through people on world until nowadays. Our world is changing a lot because it was changed by a high technology that we're facing it everyday. Technologies have more provide for helping people. It’s convenience more than the past. Globalization has both positive and negative. It useful when we used in communication but it effected to people if people used it in wrong way.

    Apart from globalization, the words of internationalism and Nationalism are related together. If we’re lacking one, it might be incompletely in social and conformity will not happen.

    I remind that if we can change the world, we should change in the positive way such as doing the useful things in appropriate and making common sense on people. Everything is not too much, so I believe our world can be happy because everything is depending on human.

    Have a good day kha :)

    JIB ID: 5031006217
    Section: 02

  17. Good day!!!!! Aj. Matthew

    I think it is interesting topic for me. First of all, in my opinion, the meaning of globalization is the thing that was changed from the old generation to new generation by time. I ever heard about this word since I was young. My teacher told me that technology and receiving abroad cultures are the main factors that make our social change to globalization. At present, I will see that many people include the government are attend to the internationalization because there are lots of restaurants and fast foods that was import and executed by foreign capitalist such as KFC, Macdonold, Daily Queen, Swensen, and so on. At this point, Thailand becomes the globalization dramatically.

    In some country in South East Asia is nationalism also. For example in Vietnam (I’m not sure about this, but I ever studied when I was a freshman.) I have known that Vietnam is nationalism because this country does not accept abroad culture. There are not the restaurants or fast food that was executed by foreign capitalist.

    Although, the globalization is the important thing in nowadays, not all of countries in the world accept in this point. I think may be there are different cultures and different attitudes. In my opinion, Vietnam is an example country that explains about nationalism clearly. Lastly, not all of counties in the world accept and want to be a globalization because it depends on original cultures and attitudes of each country.

    Have a nice day na ka *****

    ID: 5031006213 Sec: 02

  18. Globalization in my thought was results in develop of communication and transportation including with technology. The all of thing is show us about growing up of relationship between country and country. Today, it doesn’t have a stranger word. People around the world know each other much more. It doesn’t have a space between race and culture. People have more comfortable, and can communicate much more. You don’t feel alone and don’t feel like you have no home any more. I really don’t know that “Is it good thing or bad thing?” Maybe it is a good thing that makes people easy to communicate between each other. Sometimes, if you want to go see your friend at American but you stay at Thai. You also have internet or Web camfort for makes you life easier. However, I think sometimes globalization can hurt people, because when they have more convenience sometimes it makes their lazy and makes they lack of temptation. So, do you see? Sometimes globalization doesn’t have only a good thing.

    Waii 5031006160

  19. Hi, Aj.Matthew

    I'm happy to join the class agian!

    So let's move to question."What is globalization? Internationalization? Nationalism? And what does that mean for Culture?"

    In my opinion, globalization occur from the revolution of transportation, communication, and technology. They have an impact to the growth of economy, society, and culture. Nowadays. we can know and preceive the news or emergency situation from the one side to other sides in a minute. It's very advance. The world can connect as a wire but there is not border. It's unlimited.

    Nationalism! Actually, I don't understand yet about this world. I only know it's about us and our country. I havn't studid it in the class exactly. I think I will know it next class.

    Internationalism! Also the same of nationalism that I don't understand. However, it's different in terms of race and culture indeed.
    Sometimes we take the culture of others to be of us.

    I'm sure that those are related to culture whether direct or indirect. It can make change or lost.

    Bank 140 Sec.3

  20. Hi! Aj. Matthew

    I think that Globalization is a phenomenon that makes people around the world keep in touch. It eliminates boundary of each country, so each country can communicate without dificaulty. In the past, Thai people did not know the Opera House in Australia. Comparing with this moment, we know and see this place by using the Internet. We don't even go to Australia to see the Opera House.
    I think this is my understanding about a term "Globalization".

    Bye Aj. M
    You did a perfect shooting on basketball match!

    Mic 5031006129

  21. Hello Aj.Matthew

    How about your basketball?

    "Globolization" This word is popular in every areas around the world because this word can represent the societies in the present time.
    Many people may confuse and make a question that what is the globolization? Nobody cannot express or answer in deeply but everyone understand roughly globolization is the world that has not boundaries. The reason is different culture, different societies and so on can communicate together by new technology.

    In my opinion, globolization can scale down our world. In each countries can contact, learn, connect easily that is the advantage of globolization. Besides, it can reduce the conflict between each different cultures. However, there are the impacts of globolization in each societis too. It make people like the luxury, convinience, easy living and so on as far as they forget the decreasing of natural resources. It is a big problem in nowaday.

    All of above, it is just my opinion about globolization. I don't know it is right or wrong. But I think I understand "Globolization"

    ID:5031006174 Section 02

  22. Good Evening

    In my opinion, globalization means that everything in the globe is made the same or globalized. Countries with high development or developed countries like USA, UK, or Japan try to change other countries to have the same standards in most things by expanding their cultures through communication technology, science or arts. Globalization has something to do with colonialism. In the past, western nations increased their land expansion by colonization so, this shows the idea that developed countries are striving to globalize the world (developing countries) to be the same as them. That's what I think.

    Have a good day

    Section: 02

  23. in my opinion, globalization means borderless

    because of technology. actually, our world is wide and big

    but teachnology can make the world become small.

    everyone can meet or communicate with other people easily.

    they can share, transfer, or change any information or

    anything else. this is the meaning of globalization in my opinion.

    "KAE" 5031006098

  24. Some good comments here...

    I think there are many benefits that we can gain from each culture that can improve our lives in material, intellectual, and spiritual ways. However, there are concerns like Mok worries about, which are that there is an unequal power for the West to spread their culture and others follow it.

    I have been very lucky in my life to meet other cultures and it is my privilege to live and work in Chiang Rai and meet you everyday, but this opportunity that I got is not open to everyone in the world. I make sure to remind myself about this everyday.

  25. Good Morning Aj. Matthew

    In my opinion, the word “Globalization” means the affecting the whole world that considering all the past of problem to nowadays. This world has been changing everything that I don’t know it does will be better or not.

    In the same time, there are advantage and disadvantage from globalization in this world. Most of globalization in nowadays has been changing the bad ways, I think like this. Globalization is changing everything such as culture, technology, societies, and so on.

    The word “Internationalization” I am not sure the meaning of this word. I think I do understand the meaning of international but not sure about Internationalization. In my opinion, Internationalization means a drawback between other countries that they are cooperate together. I hope to get real information for today in class from Aj.Matthew too.

    The word “Nationalism” In my opinion, it means LOVE of their belief. I think..


  26. Hello Aj. Matthew! :D

    For the word "globalization" in my opinion, I think it means the change around the world. I mean change in almost everything, such as: technology, education, and economic. I think globalization was occurred by new technologies that we, human, invented. Globalization affect many things in our life. It changes our life styles and quality of life. It likes your quote, that you taught us in class, "I'm me because of you." I think "We're us because of globalization." :)

    Have a nice day ^^
    Lin 503

  27. Good afternoon Aj.Matthew
    What is the real meaning of "globalization"? For me this word is every in the world. For example technology, crime, private organization, public organization,education or lots more. Our world is a liitle bit to be changing by globalization.Everyone are well known about globalization more than internationalism and nationalism. Because of globalization is popular at this time and people are understand about it. Internationalism and Nationalism may be chage after globalization was changed. Futhermore, the main cause of everything are changing that is a human on the world not other. Globalization have both sides of advantages and disadvantages.

    Parichat Poomthong
    ID: 5031006048 Section: 03

  28. Good Afternoon, Aj.Matthew :)

    In my opinion, globalization is development and integration of culture, economy, technology, education, including thought and attitude of people around the world.

    Globalization is an effect of progression of communication, transportation, and technology that change all the time. I feel nowadays, the world is narrower than the past. We can talk, learn, and communicate with people all over the place via many ways such as telephone, computer, and mass media. In terms of culture, I think globalization is an important cause that makes a cross-cultural communication. It seems to be a two-edged sword. I mean globalization makes advancement in terms of education, economy, and so on for many countries, including Thailand. On the contrary, globalization has quite serious effects for culture too. For example, we can see that western culture rather influences on Thai culture today. It makes some Thai culture are changed or disappeared, and some identities of Thai people are replaced by western culture, especially in new generation.

    However, our identity or culture will exist or not, it does not only depend on globalization, but it also depends on individuals that how they keep their old cultures after they received new one.

    5031006002 ^^ Sec.01

  29. Hi, Aj. Matthew

    I agree with you about a describing of the word ‘Globalization’. This word is very popular. Today everywhere always citing this word with everything that it was developed.

    The meaning of the word ‘globalization’ in my opinion, I think its means changing of social world. In each society are differences in culture but it has the same word which native people use when they have something developed by technology.

    In general, everything in our world was changed by the time. When everything in our world was changed, the daily life of people will be changing, too. We should accept that today our world is open more and more. Everything has both of advantage and disadvantage, a globalization is the one of that.

    Name: Thank you*
    ID: 5031006022 Section: 03

  30. As I have ever heard the word "globalization" as a long time, I think this word refer to the borderless connection around the word though high technology. It is cause of changing both exchanging, creation, and degeneracy in something. For example, when I chatting with the others in MSN, most people both Thais and English always use abbreveation and slang words with me such as Wat u nam?, How r u?, watdee or dee dee(mean Hello instand sawatdee)
    I know that it can halp to save the time for typing but I think it causes of degeneracy in original language and poor communication.

    On the other hand, globalization can help people easy to create and exchange the culture, idea, information, and so on. My friend who is the Philipino and I always exchange our ideas and informations about our own country both culture and language. I learnt Tagalog language from my friend and I tought Thai language to her.

    I accept that globalization can help people comforable because it save their money and time to communication but the user should be concerned about good and bad effects of its.

    Miss Sasirada Thapoen
    ID 503106159

  31. Good Day Aj.Matthew ^^

    As you said "Globalization is a popular word these days", I toyally agree with you. I also don't really know what is exact meaning of this word. I think the globalization is the
    dynamic processes of which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a network of communication.

    The globalization makes the countries from Western cultures can touch people in Eastern cultures. The globalization has mixed cultures and created new cultures in many part of this world.

    By the way,it helps people who live in this globe have good and well-being lives.

    Aom 5031006014 Section 1 ^^
    Have a nice weekend na ka

  32. Good evening Aj. Matthew

    In my opinion, the word “globalization” is the new thing that changing from the past so fast. There are many ways that we can see in nowadays such as regional, economies, societies, and cultures. All of those affect to communicate with people in this world.

    This is very interesting topic. After I have studied of CCC class on this day, I got more knowledge about globalization. I like the idea of Kim as same as I really agree with you kah Aj. M. As you said that we can hold the new culture and adapt it for the way of life. If we copy everything, we will face a lot of problems and conflicts with the different culture. I think it is a good idea. People around the world would share their culture to other because it is a good thing to develop and maintain our world.

    The west and the east are different of culture, behavior, attitude, and way of life. However, I think no one right or wrong when we talk about this point. We can learn other culture from the globalization.

    Mary … ID: 5031006025 Sec. 3

  33. Chariya Sawangsri (Bow) ID 5031006010 Section 01

    I am the one who do not know the exact meaning of the word "globalization". I think it means the era which has worldwide communicattion between countries around the world by using the internet or many kinds of technological devices. It is unlimitted to communicate; it is very easy, comfortable, spend less time. The issue that they communicate maybe about business, education, politic, and so on. The main point is technology; the era that have a lot of technology.

  34. Hello~

    When I heard the word, GLOBALIZATION ,it made me think to "bounderless". In the past, when people want to talk to the people in the difference places, They use the letter for thier communication. At the present time, People can communicate with the other fast. We have the Internet, so they can only sit in front of their labtop and chat with the other. It include the trade, we can sell and buy anything via the Internet, we call e-commerce.
    We can be noted that Globalization make the confortable to connect the people in world easily.

    5031006157 ~ be n

  35. ^^

    Globalization umm...

    It helps people can feel that the world is small. We are in Thailand but we can travel to america, communicate with europian people, or can see the view at north pole on computer. Everything is more easier and convenian than the past. People in everywhere can share everything but no only the good thing. War is happened easily, Cuture is transfered fastly, those are the effect from globalization too.

    I cannot say that globalization is not good but I do not think people can use it correctly.

    For me I think the real meaning of globalization is " changing of the world"

    Korawit 5031006005

  36. For me I don't know the exactly meaning what globalization mean. However, in my point of view I think globalization is the communication of people throughout the world whether communicate in terms of business, technology, culture and so on without boundary. Therefore, globalization makes the world is smaller than in the past because we can communicate to each other eventhough we didn’t see her \his face or even we stay difference places. We can communicate to each other through the internet or telephone .Thus, with globalization makes people easy to study other culture throughout the world like what other culture behave.

    ID :5031006045 Section:01

  37. Hi, Ajarn
    This issue is very interesting to learn because we all are in the globalization time. In my opinion, globalization is a word that I have ever heard since I was in primary school. I just know that this word concerns the daily life of human. I think that globalization is the progress of technology and information which rapidly spreads around the world. It makes people easy to connect or do things for example, communication via the internet network and so on. We can go anywhere by high technology vehicles. People around the world can contact and visit each other easier than the past.
    I think globalization concerns internationalism. Globalization makes things become international.I think that globalization has good and bad effects on people and nature. However, I think that it is very necessary to learn from the effects of globalization in order to face the coming problems.
    Chanupong 5031006139

  38. Hi Aj.Matthew

    i think the word "Globalization" is quite difficult to explain for me because i dont know the exactly meaning of this word but i think i can guess that globalization mean something that make people more convenient than the past because i think im lucky that born in the globalization period. we can keep in touch with everyone easier and i think internet also the most important to the globalization world. we can contact everybody around the world easy and can have video call to see and talk with each others.

    ID : 5031006039 Section 03

  39. Hi Aj. Matthew

    For your question "What is globalization? "

    For me the globalization is the changing of communication.

    Everyone communicate together by fastly, while they are far away.

    What is Internationalization?

    For me, the internationalization is the changing of tradition. For

    the example, the emancipation of King Rama V.

    What is Nationalism?

    I think the nationalism is the group of people who love to do

    everything about there nation. They will not buy the product

    and they will not go to travel the other country. They will pay

    and do anything for only there country.

    In my experience, I have ever seen the people who is the one

    of nationalism. This person is my grandmother.

    Sasidech Sermwitayawong(P)
    5031006185 Section 02

  40. Hi Aj. Matthew

    I’m the one who do not know the exactly meaning of the word ‘Globalization’. But I think it’s a kind of linking us together.
    Our world is changing now, and everybody can connect each other. Anyways I still confuse what does it mean, but for me, globalization means borderless, and it link us together

    Have a nice dream ^^

    ID: 5031006180 Section: 2

  41. Hi Aj.M

    Again and again!! welcome again to our ccc class.Firstly, we're very enjoyed with our exhibition. Althrouh, I have spoke many same of explaination in our exhibition, it's funny!!!.

    Well, for this week the question is very used to with us because we have learned about it but it is clear? I think absolutely NOT.

    I realize that the word 'Globalization' is mean a process of interaction and integration among the people of different nations? I think This process has effects on the environment, on culture and exactly on people.And anather one is technology has been the other principal driver of globalization? Maybe yes, because our world is covered by technology.
    Beside that, think about the poor countries!!! They will get or understand the word'Globalization'? So, we have to share our ideas to ccc course. It is maybe good for changing our thinking as well.

    Asmaraz 5031006146 section 03

  42. For me, globalization is something that is connected to each other. It is because of the development of technology, policy, culture, and so on.

    It makes the world smaller because we can communicate with people around the world quickly. When something happens, it can affect the people all countries.


  43. In my opinion, globalization means everything makes people easy to connect each other; the world becomes small.

    Globalization has fast changing. It occurs from one country to other, or person to person like a chain; cause of changing in culture, society, language, business and so on. Such as underdeveloped country try to use business structure like develop country. Then almost every country has same structure.

    Although, globalization has fast changing, but I think that when people receive convenient thing to their life; it will quietly change but it remains with human life in long term.

    Miss Kornkanok Nonthanum
    ID.5031006004 Section 3

  44. Thank you for your question.

    If you want me to define "globalization", I woud like to say that it is a word about connection of people around the world. Nowadays, one country cannot be alone anymore. You can see in Haiti right now. Many countries around the world are helping them. Or Tsunmi in 2004, we also needed international helps.

    Lastly, I do remember a good quote from Aj. Sorawich, an instructor of World Communication course. He stated that we can survive in globalization if we "think globally, act locally"

    5031006046 Sec 1

  45. Globalization not only make the world wider but also people. We can contact people around the world by typing. Then, we don't know how they fell more than speaking and seeing. That's make the relationship of prople become so far. On the other hand, if we know how to use Globalization, we can be happy.
    I like my mom to take photos of my puppies and send it to me by cell phone. I can see they are growing up. I agree the comment above about Globalization. It can really help us to live in this planet.


  46. Good day, teacher.

    Globalization in my opinion, I think it is the world is connected by communication system and modern technology. Today this world is narrower. We can go anywhere and know everything.

    When the world is narrow. Many things are changed such as attitude, culture, language even entertainment.

    For example

    When some countries have a disaster, around the world knows and help each other.

    Geng 023 sec. 01

  47. Globalization is hard to specify a theme or

    what it is about. Globalization means

    everything in the world. What we are talking

    about will be a globalization too. I have no

    idea to share because I really do not

    understand globalization’s meaning. I just

    know the meaning from any dictionary but I

    never think what things will be related with


    GIFT : 5031006102 sec.03

  48. In my opinion, the meaning of globalization is borderless that everyone in the world can contact to each other. It can be because of the developing of technology which makes everything in the world is easy to communicate. For example, western cultures are wildly spreading in eastern; people in the two different places do the same thing. Some countries share something together. If there is something wrong in one country, it might affect to another countries.
    This is my opinion about the meaning of globalization.

    5031006122 sec: 3

  49. Hello, Ajarn Mathhew

    In my attitude, Globalization is a relationship between technology and our world. Technology can narrow the world by connection, for example internet , cell phone, television and so on. We able to know the situation of the world in another side. It created a lot of advantage for human if use it in the positive way such as studying, helping(emergency),and traveling. It help us to share the information when someone need help or want to get some information.However, it can be dangerous if use it to create the bad things such as nuclear boom, drug and weapon.

  50. Hello Aj.Matt!

    I nearly miss this blog and miss in last blog, it is my fault.

    However, I think globalization is the way we communicate with each others in this world.

    I think I heard this word in Y2K phenomenon, I was young and think about this word." What would it means?"

    In my opinion, globalization could meanas every meaning for our used. You could use this word in many kinds. That's why 'Globalization' is spread over and everyone use it usually.

    That's why anyone would not know the meaning of

    Mr.Rawin Petchwattana Win
    Section 2
    Ps. I absent in your class 1 week! I feard when we have an exam!

  51. good afternoon, Aj. Matthew

    I think the globalization is everything in the world that its changing.Technology have more develop than in the past. That is, the communication or tranporstation are easily.

    ID: 5031006193

  52. Hello Aj. M.

    I have heard this word for long time ago but I cannot give its meaning exactly. For me, globalization is the development of communication of people around the world which is more convenient to communication with other people.

    However, it will give a bad result too if you do not know how to use it in the right ways. it will make people be more lazy to do many things.

    ID: 5031006117

  53. In my understanding, globalization is a process of changed world. People, who want to be someone has to follow the new process. But, I thing that people are the victims of the process. It has developed and destroyed in the same time. It always impacts around the world. It might be about economic system or commucations that can impact all people. It's my globalization's meaning.


  54. Hello Aj. Matt,

    Thanks for your good question again and again.

    In my point of view regarding with Globalization, I think same as my friends here.

    This era is information and technology or easily called IT age.

    Information is sent via technologies (any medias) faster than the past. You can know any information (news, cultures, economics, etc.), even though you live in different parts of the world such as world news, or fashions from Europe and Asia......and all kinds of stuffs easily.

    Globalization means borderless. No matter where do you live, you can connect to people all around the world via technologies, cultures, economics and so on. Like my friends said about the internet and capitalism about Pop culture....or even fashion, and modern trends as we can see from many medias.

    Just click it makes your life easier!!

    Our world is flat, as Thomas L. Friedman wrote his book.

    I think Globalization is the big head word for internalization and nationalism...

    Once, the world is flat...We're international for each other. Western is international for Eastern, or Eastern is international for Western.

    Also, nationalism is like you preserve your countries, your cultures lot. There was this kind of phenomenon in Thailand once. I remember campaign named "Rak Mueng Thai Shai Kong Thai". It means if you love Thailand, you must use Thai products.

    I think in case of culture, these three main words: globalization, internationalization and nationalism are directly related to our daily life. We must face them everyday because we live in multicultural societies or cultural societies.

    The best way we can survive is to learn other cultures, adapt, adjust yourself when living in different cultures, but please keep in mind that what is your original culture. Like this saying "Think globally, Act Locally" from Aj.Sorawit in World Community class last year. Moreover, we should consider information carefully before believing it. Human should control globalization (technology), so we will not be under its power exactly.

    "Think carefully, Do suitably", this is what I think ka Ajarn. :) ;P LOL

    Have a good time, and plz take care of yourself.

    See you, ^__^

    Tipparat [MiNGMiNG] ID: 503-1006-031 Section 01

  55. Well, Ajarn....I enjoyed game a lot ka. ^___^

    So, what's about the game this week ka?? I'm looking forward to playing and enjoying it.. ;P LOL :)

    I like learning cultures from this activity. haha...

    Thanks for creating for us.

  56. In my opinion, globalization means the world changes a lot from the past. Spatially, in term of communication, people can communicate rapidly to each other, even though they live in different continents.

    Surely, it is convenient to communicate with other people but I think something is lost.

    When I was grade 6, I used to write some letters to my friends. We communicated to each other by letters. I remember that I sit in front of my house, waiting for a postman. It was a great time for me. They wrote them by their hand writing. One of my friends put jasmine in the envelope. The letters were full of good memories.

    Now, I contact my friends via internet. It is very fast to talk to each other but no more hand writing and no more jasmine. I always miss about the letters.

    ID : 5031006027 sec.1

  57. If we talk about globalisation, in my opinion, I think it is some thing that widespread around the world.In this case, I always think about technologies such as computer internet or all things about ITs.These things that I have mention make our world broderless, we can know about other in part of the world. we also learn other culture through medias though we did't live in their country.These are what globalisation made for us.
    Therefore, globalisation mean some thing that up grade our world. Some people think that world of globalisation is good but for me, it also creates bad things in our life. However, it also depend on us that we will use it on wich way.

  58. Hello Aj.Matthew,,,

    In my opinion, Globalization means borderless. People can communicate to each other easily by using technology. Even they are so far away from each other, they still talk to each other.
    There are some good and bad side of this word "Globalization" .
    People have to learn how to live with this changing. If we do not adapt ourselves to this changing, people will lose their core culture. The young generation won't know what is their core culture or culture they born with.

    nice to learn this chapter,,,now i'm planning to take master degree like this CCC but i don't know how is it diificult for me or not :)

    see you in the class

    sec 03

  59. I think no one can not give the actually definiyion of "GLOBALIZATION".

    For me, I think “globalization” means an infinity communication network is spreading something in the worldwild. Because people never stop communicate with other and also create high technology for using nowadays.

    Therefore, globalization concerns the economy, culture, and environment and integrates all cultures worldwide too.

    5031006051 ~ Dew

  60. ** edit

    definition not definiyion

    Dew :P

  61. In my opinion, globalization is not a new world for me now because I understand this word since I knew that the world was changed in terms of communication via the internet. People can communicate each other very fast by using technologies like internet, telephone and so on.

    I used to write letters to someone like my friend above. I still remember that. I have to wait for long time to receive the information from someone, but now I feel thank globalization that make me more comfortable to communicate with someone.

    I still feel warm when someone I love is in another country because I can communicate with him via internet. I can see his face when I want and I can talk with them through cell phone.

    I think to the past that people do not have any technology to connect each other. It is not comfortable and I understand their feeling when a man have to leave their family working in the war and people in his family cannot be speak with them in order to ask for care except waiting for someone to send the message to them at home.

    However, globalization make people in the world forget their culture, the way to communicate in the past like telegram. In Thailand, telegram is lost from country because nobody does not want to use it. I would like to back to the past seeing the way people use the telegram how they decode the symbols. It is very interesting for people in the modern age like me which is between the past of non-globalization and present of globalization.

    Good night kaa Aj.M
    M Y M I N T -_-Zzz
    ID:5031006062 Sec.01

  62. Hi Aj. Matthew

    For this week, you ask me What is globalization? In my opinion, I think Globalization is not new word for me because I had ever heard since I was freshman. On the other hand, I do not know it is correct or not? Globalization is linking worldwide. It exchanges own culture to various culture. For example, Thai society accepts Korea culture much more. Because Korea singers that Thai teenagers prefer have influenced to Thai culture. When Thai teenagers like Korea singers, they recieve Korea culture. Thus, Korea fever is more increased in Thai society.

    However, globalization has two sides, good or bad. It depends on you, you will choose which side.

    Good night my handsome teacher ^^

    See you in class


    5031006058 Sec.01

    Bye Bye >____<

  63. Hello Aj. Matthew
    Your question is the question
    that I never care about it.
    I just know from the other that
    our world is going to the
    It’s quite hard for me to definite
    the meaning of this world.
    But when I hear this world, I
    always think about the flat world.
    The world that every people around
    the world can be talk
    or communicate easily.
    In the past, when the people stay
    far away from other,
    It really hard to know or communicate together.
    Nowadays, every thing is change.
    We can talk whenever we want.
    We can see the fact of everyone that
    we miss.
    Though it doesn’t fresh or real like
    face-to-face, it gave us comfort.

    About the internationalization,
    I think it is something that can
    be accepted
    by every country. For example;
    Things those are not different or
    strange when you do it,
    Things that are give many people
    advantages, or
    Thighs when someone does are
    affected to other places.

    For the nationalism, it is the
    phenomena of people in the nation.
    That phenomena have to relate
    about culture or identity of that countries.
    For example, Thailand around 1938, the government announce about
    the thing that Thai citizens have to do like women have to wear
    hat when they go outside.
    Moreover, every people have to stand still when they hear the nation song.
    I think Thai culture is a good thing that we should preserve.
    But not all of Thai culture is good.
    So we should adapt our culture with other culture.
    We can learn form the other mistake.

    ID: 5031006037
    Section: 03

  64. In my opinion, globalization means the illimitable world which it is the largest way that every people in the world can communicate to each other. The important part of globalization is internet. Nowadays, the internet is one of factor in life of people which it have both bad effect and good effect to people. It may be good in the way of economic because everyone can be easy to communicate and make their business. On the other hand, it may be bad in culture. Some culture is more changing because of the influence of globalization. For example, the culture in Thailand are changing because many people approve the culture from Western. Finally, I think it's not bad that the world is changing. But if it makes best culture in the past fade away, I think people will have the middle way to adapt the globalization and the old culture in their life.

    Good night

    Miss Kulawadee Phunthana

    ID: 503 1006 008 Section: 01

  65. Good morning Aj.M

    I think globalization is communication and connection of people all around the world boundlessly. No matter you are anywhere in the world, you can connect to anybody who are in another side of the world easier. Easy to communication is benefit for business, economic, politic, and education.

    Internationalization is making communication to be the same understanding; using the same language. You can see that the Western countries have more development and more advance technology than Eastern countries, resulting in English is used to be an international language for a long time.

    Nationalism is thinking that my country is the best. Perceiving and practice as other countries is not better thing to do. For example, the influence of globalization cause most Thai people speaks Thai language unclearly, so there are campaign Thai people to use Thai language correctly.

    Globalization is effect to traditional culture. When people who are from other places are commonly having the different culture; ways of life, thought, and practices. They usually pass on their culture to the person they communicate with automatically. As a result, traditional culture becomes to global culture. For example, Thai people have changed the views of sexuality and sexual behaviors following Western culture.

    Globalization may be destroy or develop the traditional culture depending on the standard of people thought and the way that they perceive. For example, English is an international language, so study English is good for Thai people to communicate with foreigners. However, it affects on Thai language. Most people use Thai language incorrectly.

    I try my best to define the word globalization and others. Hope you enjoy my answer. Thank you kaa Aj.M.

    MissTreerat Lertouran
    ID: 503 1006 030 Sec.01

  66. Hello, Aj. M ^O^

    For your question this week, I would say that in my opinion, globalization is connecting world including people, cultures, etc.
    Another word is that flat world because today people can use technology to connect or contact with each other. This makes people get closer and we will be able to know if something in the opposite side of the world happens.

    Furthermore, people can learn and experience something without travelling. Therefore, globalization is the era of interconnection via advanced technology.

    Hopefully, what I've just mentioned would be good enough to reasonable discuss for such an interesting question of yours.

    Thanks Aj. M
    ID: 503 1006 001
    Section 01

  67. Well, globalization is communication which we can connect with other people all around the world. Everything seems like small and flat in now a days, we using internet as a social network to searching for everything we want, high technology and so on. No matter it makes our life easy and more comfortable, but sometimes it makes people more concerned something which is not a matter of life and becomes harsher.


  68. It is hard to define what is globalization by the word exactly.

    I have been familier with this word since I was in primary school. At that time globalization and my study came with computer and internet. I could not find the linked between them and globalization becuase I was taught to type and learned html code. Teachers said that globalization would make our life easier. Again, I could not picture how it could happen with the computer + internet and globalization. It was a popular toppic in the exam for student to define it and I wrote about it only - globalization is a thing which Farang wanted Thai to follow because we learn to use a machine of globalization without warning of its harmful part.

    In secondary school, I define globalization as a link to connect many different things toghether. At that time McDonald's, Harry Potter, Adidas and Tiger Woods were my friends. Media, and education were the most channel for me as a student to learn about globalization.

    By now, globalization in my opinion is a one world policy of a new powerful nation. From your ccc class, globalization, internationalization or neo-colonailization are similar. I agree with it. I have strongly believe that globalization will not focus on any nation.

    4931006010 Section1

  69. Thank you for this discussion. There are some comments that I will keep with me, and continue to think about. Very thoughtful.

  70. Globalization is the the period of the information and technogy. No metter you are in enywhere any part of the world you can get throught the information and can contact to other people in enytime that u want. We can say that globalization is the process that can conect people from one part of the world to another part or area of the world meet together.

    ID: 5031006071

  71. I forgot to put my section

    5031006071 Sec: 01

  72. "Globalization"

    I am not sure about the real meaning of globalization

    I think it is the affect from development of communication and technology that represent to the growth and the relation of econony,politics,technology,and culture around the world.

    with the high technology, everybody or every organization can communicate with eacheother easily and quickly.

    In the past, we took a long time for contact other people who live far away from us. We wcan see that the letter was taken at least five days from one place to another place.

    on the other hand,we take only minute to send an e-mail to each other. this is the affect of the development of technology or we call "globalization"

    This is my opinion for the word globalization


  73. Hello, Aj. M

    Globalization reminds us we are all one humanity. It means that the world is shrinking and becoming more of a Global Village, due to the speed in communications, internet etc.

    In other opinion, it means all countries are dependant of each other.
    if one country screws up
    then so does the whole world
    we are more globalised because of techonology and the internet and it is easier to communicate with one another faster. its a good thing as we are more aware of whats happening. but it also could be a bad thing because of the recession.

    It means anything that you want it to mean.


  74. Hi, AJ.Matt

    I remember that i ever learn about Globalization when i was freshmen and I forget it. I do not understand the word Globalization as well.

    In my opinion Globalization relate about the technology.Some develop country that have good technology they are globalization too.
    Most of globalization country also good in communication and share their culture

    5031006133 sec:03

  75. Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.
    Therefore, I think globalization is every thing can have effect with other country.
    "Tangmo 4931006267"

  76. Hello, Ajarn Matthew

    In my opinnion, Globalization is a relationship between technology and our world. Technology can narrow the world by connection, for example internet , cell phone, television and so on. We able to know the situation of the world in another side. It created a lot of advantage for human if use it in the positive way such as studying, helping (emergency), and traveling. It help us to share the information when someone need help or want to get some information. However, it can be dangerous if use it to create the bad things such as nuclear boom, drug and weapon.

    January 24, 2010 1:46 PM

    I post it again ,because I forgt to put my ID ka..


  77. About the meaning of the word globalization, I think it is the selection of many things as one things. Today, globalization is a popular word. it refers to everyone in the world communicate together by using technology.

    Finally, I think it is the way to link many things into only one and make close relationship together.

    Jutawan Piansiripinyo ID 5031006135 Section 3
