This week, we will read a case study about Hmong people in Chiang Mai. We will study about the effects of culture and identity for a small group of people who live together within the larger majority Thai culture.
I think we are all proud of our culture and we all want to keep it, protect it, and preserve it. This is why we get annoyed with teenagers who seem to disrespect it or lose interest in it, or why we worry about new technologies and developments that replace old cultural customs. Ethnic minorities such as the Hmong also have a rich and strong cultural tradition, and like anyone else, there is a feeling of pride and history in their identity, yet it is also challenged by the pressures of majority culture: the need to modernize and participate in the larger society and in globalization.
How does one balance their own cultural identity with the attractions of other cultural identities? Is cultural change a negative thing? Or, is it just a natural part of history and life: the future is more important than the past... what do you think?
P.S.: This is the last topic for us to study before we shift to the panel discussions, so this may be the last blog... unless we are interested to continue. I just want to say thank you for your participation and knowledge. You are very impressive for me. Some people have heard the rumour that I will move to Phitsanulok to work at NU, so I just want to confirm it. I will be moving after the semester. In fact, I'm very sad to leave MFU, but on the other hand, I am so thankful that I had the chance to meet you all this semester. It has been my happiest semester ever, and you have given me so much. You are a very special group of students and I hope to follow your futures. I am me because of you.
Let's keep this great flow of ideas for the last few weeks of the semester. Aj. M
"Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi
ReplyDeleteI heard about you will leave MFU to NU. So I think my friend kidding me but it's a truth. I'm very glad to meet you, study with you and very sad that you will be moving next semester.
Thank you for all your kindness.
For this topic, I think it's very interested because it might be helpful to my essay. Waiting to study in the class and watch movie on Saturday.
Nothing to write ...
5031006051 ~ Dew
Hi Aj.M
ReplyDeleteI was ready to discuss the topic of this week but when i finished reading the article above. I was a little bit shock. I really don't know about it. Honestly, it's not a good news for me. In fact, you are a very good teacher. I'm very lucky that I have chance to learn the culture with the one who loves cultures like you. After I took this course, I found out that I'm interested in culture. It's one of the world's wonder.. lol
I really want to thank you. "I AM ME BECAUSE OF YOU" >> can I use this quote in this situation? hahaha
I should be back to the topic...
You asked about the culture and future. these two things are different from each other but we cannot choose one of these. Both;Culture and future are important. We should develop it together.
Culture is important because it's the group identity. we, people, cannot lived without culture. In the same time,future is also the thing that we have to care about. we lived for tomorrow, so I think that the culture and future should be develop together.
For example, Thailand needs the robot in future but the robot doesn't have a mind. they cannot feel or express anything. Thus, we will start the program of remain the culture or paint th robot with Thai tradition paint.
I'll discuss more when i know my friends idea.
First of all, I want to thank you for your teaching because I get a lot of knowledge about culture that I have never known or considered before. This course is very interesting and I think that all of knowledge that we have learned in this course are useful and helpful too. From this course, we have learned about who are we and why are we and this may help us to understand others more.
ReplyDeleteFor me myself, I think that the minorities can keep their own cultural identities even though, they are a small group of people in a big group of people who have different cultural identities. If people in that small group recognize their cultural values and keep their own culture identities strongly. For example, Chinese people in Thailand always try to keep their identities such as using Chinese language, their clothing style, their living style and they also live together (China town). Moreover, some of their culture is also attracted Thais such as Chinese New Year (which will be on Feb 14, 2010) or the vegetarian food festival. All of these are the Chinese cultural identities but it also influences in Thai society. May be because Chinese people recognize their cultural values so they still keep their identities even thought they live in other culture. Therefore, it results to the attraction of other culture which is the majority in the society. This is what I think but I’m not sure that it is right or not.
Hello Aj;
ReplyDeleteI don't think cultural change is a negative thing, because everything could change along the time. The culture change because we have the cross communication. If we don't communicate with other countries, we can't develop our country. However, we don't need to receive the whole foreign culture. We just need to select some to apply to our traditional culture. The cultural change is fine, because people in different countries can communicate to each other easier.
Thank you,
015 Section 1
Hi, Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteIt's a first terrible news for this year!
You will leave from MFU. Many students are waiting to study with you including us.TT
You are the good teacher. I admire you to be the best english teacher in my life. I like your pronunciation and accent. It's very clear and easy to listen. I'm lucky to study with you.^^
However, I am ready to learn about Hmong. There are many minorities all areas of Thailand. We know that but we cannot understand them at all. There are different cultures, norms, communications, and traditions. We live in Thailand togerther, but we are seperated. I will learn it more from you.
Thank you so much for everything. You effort to give knowledge to us more than we expect.
"No need to say goodbye"
Bank 140 Sec.3
Hi, Aj. M
I hope you get along well there :)
Anyway, I just watched a comedy movie called "Moving" on the cable. It talks about a man and his family that have to move to a new town because this man get a better job. Unfortunately, his 'moving' process goes wrong in any possibility!
And even if it's a big joke in the movie but I don't want to see you losing your furnitures or doors and a swimming pool because the previous owner took them with him when he moved out. :)
So, be careful and take care of yourself.
Well, about this entry's question...it's difficult for me to answer - -"
So, I will come back and give you the answer as soon as possible before Monday lol.
Thank you very much for being in my memories once in my lifetime :)
Hello, GTM(Greatest teacher Matthew)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear this new that you will leave from MFU.
You are the one of the greatest teacher who ever teach me.
I'll keep you in my mind all my life.
For this last topic, I think the culture change is so general because every culture should developed by suitably. For the tradition which came from the ancestor, we can apply them for ourself ,but we should not to broke them.
Finally, I wish to see you again in the future.
I want to be your student again because you make me clever.
I am very happy everyday when I learn with you.
You will be my teacher forever.
You will be GTM of us forever.
P.S. Thank you very much for every suggestion and everything which you give me and my friends. (P) :)
Mr.Sasidech Sermwitayawong(P)
ID: 5031006185
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon ka my lovely teacher**
ReplyDeleteI think it is a bad news for me that you will leave from MFU. I think you are a good teacher. Thank you for everything that you give me na ka. I promise, I will not forget you ka.
About our topic, I think it is interesting. I assume that in each culture, there are different identities. About Hmong cultures, there is identity by itself that other cultures cannot copy it. At any rate, we can learn and adapt in each culture that may be make it balance. In my opinion, culture may be change a negative thing because our cultures were changed by technology, and globalization.
I strongly agree with you that you say “the future is more important than the past.” Although, culture will change from the past, we live in real world, we live in the present and also we will live in the future. Therefore, our duty is try to keep the culture and maintain it, or try to change culture be a positive thing. If we do like this I believe that the culture will still have own identity, and no one can copy it because different culture means different identity.
Have a good day and forget me not na ka ****
ID: 5031006213 Sec: 02
Hi!!! my lovely teacher!!!
ReplyDeleteI really shock about your leaving from MFU. It is very popular topic for everyone I think.
I just say that Aj. Matthew is a very lovely teacher( I'm going to discuss abour our minority in our classroom because we are the smaller group as opposed to the majority or a part of a population differing in some characteristic as well).
Well, to continue it! Aj Matthew is a teacher who made me know who am I & why I am. It's very glad to say it I am a student because of teacher.We very enjoyed to study even some toptics are quite confused.This course is made us know what we never know and clearly whatever we knew about our culture and other.We knew the individualism then the
colllectivism after that we studied the other greater topics for knowing what is the exectly meaning of "Culture". Before we have to commmunicate, we have to know how to by learn it again and again.Finally, the result is we have to study this course " Cross Cultural Communication.As we have the minorities and then the majorities after we called it " our cultural".I just know that however we have
the minorities and the majorities culture for gathering "Us" in the Nation. I realize that whatever both the minorities and the majorities cultures have, but we are the one of this culture.
"We are the majority because of minority"
5031006146 Section 03
I my opinion I think that every culture has their own balance and their own identity. On the other hand when time change people also change and we accepted other culture into our culture. What’s happen next? The changes of cultural happening and do we lose our identity? In my opinion I don’t think we lose our identity but we lose control just for a while and follow other cultural which we have learned and interested in. In my feeling culture change are not negative things because we always change because we can’t stop the time which run every day, every minute and every time we breathe. It is a natural thing that we have to change but remember we can’t change our root or what we are born to be. It’s good to learn other culture and technology but we have to concern what is the main point of our study, how can we adapt and use it for real in our society. I think not all of other can be a good thing for our culture but we still have to know and learn what a good thing is for us. We have to learn for develop our country while keeping our cultural and our own identity as well.
ReplyDeletePs. I just heard that you will move after this semester. It’s disappointed me so much because you are the best foreigner teacher I ever met. Anyway, time change people also change we still have to moving on for our own goal. I hope that we will meet again if we have a chance. ^---^ I will miss you so much…my lovely teacher…Som
5031006167...sec 02
Good afternoon Aj.Matthew
ReplyDeleteI am sad to hear that Aj.Matthew will leave from MFLU.I am proud of you that I have chanced to study and learn with you. I am happy all time when I have class with you. I hope you happy and the best wished for you too.I'm very glad to meet Aj.Matthew ka.
I don't want to talk about topic this week any more. I think every culture has respect and conserve their culture. Sometimes, it changes follow generation of them but they also keep it in their mind . I think like that.
Good luck Aj.Matthew
Hello! Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteAlthough this topic is the last discussion between us, it still is interesting topic.
In my opinion, all of countries have ethnic minorities and other cultural identities inside their countries. For example, America has China Town as ethnic minorities and Thailand has Hmong people as ethnic minorities as well. Therefore, it is cultures mix together and new identities. Cultures are beautiful thing and everyone loves their cultures. Moreover, culture can apply identity of it and I think it is not a negative thing. Cultures are part of history and life and it can change period of time because nowadays, it is globalization and it makes new things. However, we must balance our culture and other culture to each other. We must avoid mitigation other culture because it makes our culture disappear. We just balance and adapt together.We learn other culture and we don't forget to learn and adapt our cultures as well. Thai teenagers are going to crazy about Korean superstar and they match or wear clothes by mitigation from Korean superstar that I think it is exchange culture but if it mitigate too much, it will be negative thing. We must see example from Hmong people that they are proud in their own cultural identity. They are strong ethnic minorities. I want to see my culture that still exist with my countries for a lone time. Although in the future, cultures or attitude of people in their countries will change , it must maintain original as much as possible.
Finally, thank you for your kind and your suggestion and I never forgot that you are good teacher in this semester. I think most students feel regret but most students feel thankful including me because it is good opportunity that we have learned with you .
Good luck, Aj. Matthew! We hope to see you again and Good bye:)
Pa ID: 5031006215 Sec: 02
Hi, Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteI am very sad to hear that Aj Matthew will move to Phitsanulok to work at NU.
But on the other hand,
"Progress always involves risk. You can't steal second with your foot on first."
"Glory in life is not in never failing, But rising each time we fail."
Fighting !!!!!!
This topicis very interesting for me. In my opinion, in each culture has own cultural identity.It can not copy other cultural identities. If it is attractions of other cultural identities,it will bring it for adaptation and make it to balance with their own cultural identity.
The cultural change a negative things or not? Sometime cultural change to a benefit, if they use it correctly. But if they use the cutural change to a negative thing, it will make their cutural identity drop down to a bad thing.
Moreover it may be a natural part of history and life but the future is more important than the past.
I know everyone will do like
"Seize the day. Make your lives extraordinary."
"Remember to always dream. More importantly to make those dreams come true and never give up."
"To follow, without halt, one aim: There is the secret of success."
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
Move out man! Life is fleeting by.
Do something worthwhile, before you die.
Leave behind a work sublime,
that will outlive you and time.
Pemiga Tinnikorn
SEC: 02
This is a bad news for me, but I have to say congratulation to you!!
ReplyDeleteYou are the one of my best teachers ever!! It's very sad to hear that you will leave here. I bet you have to miss this place. Phitsanulok is very hot, so don't forget Chiang Rai and good memories here. You are the part of my strong future. Thank you very much for everything. "I am me because of you"
I think present is more important than everything. And sometimes I think Thailand should follow Laos or Burmar because they can save their cultures well. Their identities were so strong and have not changed much from the past. May be technology is the thing that make people far from their identities. When I travel at Laos or Burmar, I can feel their cultures deeply. On the other hand, when I arrived at my place, I feel a lot of western here. We are the majority of this country, but we didn't watch minority feeling.
5031006142 Neng
Hola, Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteFor the discussion of this blog, I would like to say that we always make the minority to be a part of majority.
For example, America, Americans come from the other countries and their cultures combine together to be the one.
Even we have the strong majority, but we have to receive the minority and adapt into our life. Because I belief that everything in this world is always important to us even a piece of paper or a dust. It has a meaning itself.
The minority will be continued or not? It depends how people receive or leave it. Like a knowledge or an experiences.
This is all of my opinion. . .
I am so sad to hear that you will move to NU.
I really hope to study with you in GMS course.
You are the one of my best English teacher in MFU. I like your teaching style since I studied with you in Writing II. I really like the way you teach in both of writing and CCC. If I will be a teacher in the future, you are my idol !!!
I think everyone feel the same way as me.
I am the one who do not want to change things because when I change, something will change too.
Anyway, congratulations to you.
I hope you will have the best time when you live there as you had in Chiang Rai.
Time past by, everyone have to move on.
No one can not stop it.
Thank you so much for everything. You give me a lot of knowledge that I never had before.
I hope to see you somedays.
Keep in touch.
"I am me because of you" . . .
5031006176 Section 02
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI am sure this is not our last goodbye, so we won't say "goodbye". We would say "see you later".
ReplyDeleteWe will miss you Ajan Matthew :D
ID: 5031006095
Good evening Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteApart from my low point from the exhibition, this news is a very bad news for me in this year. I'm very sad that you are going to leave here very soon. T-T It's just my first class that I have studied from you. However, life is a journey. I know you have traveled to many places around the world, but once you come here, you have made us very happy. All of us have a wonderful time together. We have created our own culture in the class, and it is awesome. Please remember, you will not just leave us, but you will leave us with the impression. All of us love you because you are a very good teacher. Thank you for being our good teacher. I will be very glad to hear from you during your wonderful journey,,,Keep in touch^^
By the way, for this topic, it is true that cultural identities keep changing as the time passed. One thing that will help us to balance our own identities is our consciousness. If we realise about who we are all the time, we will not lose the identities for sure. I don't mean that everything will be the same, but I mean we will keep our identities while there are the adaptation of something from another culture. I don't think cultural change is a negative thing, but it is both negative and positive, depending on how one accept another culture. Therefor, we can should what we want to be adapted with, but it must be good enough to not break our identities.
Na-Young>> 5031006115 >> section 3
Hello, Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I think every culture has its own identity. I'm sure that ever nation-state has both majority and minority nation. In my opinion, culture doesn't change to negative things, but people change it instead. In the past, people lived in peace. They didn't fight to be a majority group. Comparing with these days, people try to seperate or eliminate the out group because they think that the land is for people who are the majority.
By the way, I'd like to thank you for giving knowledge. After I studied with you I could say that "I am me because of you". I'm sure everyone thinks like me. Well, Good luck!!
***May the force be with you*** Ha ha ha I've just watched Star war from Aj. Tom.
Good luck Matthew! We will miss you.
Mic 5031006129
Hello! AJ. Matthew
ReplyDeleteYour questions are very interesting. I have to think a lot for answered. How does one balance their own cultural identity with the attractions of other cultural identities? I think it depends on their attitude of their culture. If they think their culture is the best thing, they don’t have to adapt or adjust themselves with the new thing or culture. On the other hand, if their culture is quite not good or their people doesn’t proud of their culture, they will try more the new culture. Moreover, it depends on their social. If that country has an open social, the new things or culture will flow in that country rapidly. Thus, to make their old and new culture balanced are quite hard. I have heard about the cultural colonialism. I think it can be happened in the future, if the people crazy about other culture. It means they forget their fix culture. They forget their core culture.
For your next question, I think it’s a natural thing that we found in any culture. Many things in every culture will be change. That country will develop and adapt their country to the new world. The world that we called Globalization, They have to do many things for their survival. However, there is the fix thing which is the core culture of that country. They will proud that culture. As you said, they all want to keep it, protect it, and preserve it. Thus, I think the culture will be change, but it doesn’t mean it terrible.
Thank you my lovely teacher for everything that you’ve taught me. I hope to see you again very soon. You are my best foreigner teacher. Have you ever heard that to be teacher and student only one day means it will be like that forever? Good luck my dear teacher.
ID: 5031006037
Section: 03
First of all, I would like to say thank you for your teaching and remembering our nickname. I am also happy to study with you.
ReplyDeleteSo as I am your student, I hope you will be happy there as teaching here.
About your question, I think we should realize who we are and what our identities are all the time. If we are good reminding who we are, wherever we are, we can get along together well with all around ourselves.
About cultural change is a negative, I think, it’s not truth because some can be good but some can be bad thing. We should know who we are well.
5031006122 sec: 3
Thank you Aj. again nah kah
Hi, Aj.Matt
ReplyDeleteIt is bad new for me, when i knew that you will leave MFU. You are the best teacher for me. I am very happy and cheerful when i stay in your class. I need to say thank you for many knowledge that you gave us. And I am me because of you!!
Back to the topic, I think culture and future are important. Culture is the thing that show about ourselves, culture makes people be peaceful, culture is very effect to society. Despite, future is also important in term of life. So, I think that culture and future should develop together. Everyone have their own culture and future.
Thank you for everything, I hope that we will meet again
5031006133 sec:03
There are some interesting ideas here: "culture makes people peaceful." It seems to me like it should do that. Yet, nationalism for our culture does not always produce peace.
ReplyDeleteI think culture get effect from other, it is grobalization. However, we should keep our culture and keep technologies and developments for improve ability. I saw new in TV, it thould me about which countries have more golf course that mean that countries have nearly the rerationship with USA such as Thailand. In north korea has just one golf course.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, getting technologies and developments or culture from other country, it has many benefit such as relationship, economic, etc but we should not forget ownculture.
Even we are where we are in anywhere, we can
ReplyDeletebe ourselves honestly because we cannot make
our cultures and our identities disappear. On
the other hand, as Hmong in Thailand, they
have to learn outside their cultures and
adapt themselves to be in Thai environment,
and I believe they can be both Hmong and
Thai; it depends on where they are and people
around. I am me because of you.
Ps. I wish you will be happy in new place and
meet many nice students because you are
really excellent teacher for us. How
fantastic we spent lots of time in CCC
class together ! Forget us not ! Aj. M
Hathaitip Phanmetharit
5031006102 GIFT sec.3
I don't think that the culture changes to negative thing,
ReplyDeleteI think it just get the new things and adapt it to the present situation.
People might say that nowadays, the culture has changed to the negative way.
That's just because it is not what they used to in the past.
They still feel comfortable with the old thing that they saw and did in the past.
They don't open their mind to accept it.
I think, we should try to accept that the world has changed and learn how to live with it, like Hmong.
Over 60% of Hmong, they think that they are both Thai and Hmong, because they have been improved the education, health care and their own living by Thai.
ReplyDeletenice to see you at MUF and I happy to study with you. It was a nice class to study with you.
Let's discuss about the topic, I think every things in the world are changing every day as same as a culture that always chages. For the changed of culture in present, I think it changes in the nagative way because nowaday, there are many bad thing that mad culture changed. And I also think that culture is a curcle it will change and come back to the begining.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think ethnic minorities can have their own culture if they are believe in their culture strongly not flow or attracted by majority. Although, Hmong is minority group but they have culture and identity as well. If I compare Hmong which is minority group and Thai which majority group I think Hmong has the culture and identity that is stronger than Thai. Because of Hmong believe is strong as they are small. About the larger group like Thai which does not have strongly believes in culture. As you can see that, Thai has accepted culture from other countries such as Korea, Japan, and American. I think the amount of people or the wide of landscape is important. I think the most important thing is people believe.
ReplyDeleteFinally, it’s good to study with you and I do feel the same as my friends. Hope you have a good future. ^^
5031006169 Meaw =^^=
Hi!! Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteI am sad with your P.S in this blog. CCC and Writing III are the first time that I have a chance to be your student. I learn many things from you. You are my lovely teacher. You can help me every time that I find with the problems. You have a good suggestion for us although we sometime make you get headache (*_*). You will be a good teacher in my mind forever and I hope to see you in the future.
For the question in this blog, I think that Thai culture (majorities) can influence Hmong (minorities) because they live in Thai culture. In my opinion, Thai culture doesn’t change Hmong in the negative things but I thing that Thai culture help them to develop their life. For example, Hmong in Doi Pui get income because they can attract tourists to travel in Doi Pui. When they have income, they can develop their life. Hmong children can study. In the future, they may speak English with tourists. All development doesn’t negative things. I believe Thai culture can not change Hmong identities in 100 percents but it just changes their life style to be better. Hmong always still have special identities in themselves.
Have A good DreaM…..ZzZzZzZ
For me I think that we cannot find the middle way or the balance of these.
ReplyDeleteThe world in everyday are changed so, we must know and understand.
It's because of we communicate with each other all around the world.
We can give and we can recieve new culture as well.
We should be glad that we can exchange with each other....
5031006136 Janejira
P.S. hope to see you in the next day
You are my good teacher"""I will not forget you
Hello Aj. Matthew,
ReplyDeleteI am not saying that the topic is not important but let's talk about the more important thing first.
Thank you for everything that you have taught us. It was really really great having you as a teacher for 3 classes: Writing 2&3 and Cross Cultural Communication. I still remember the first day that I was in your class. The room was so small but we got a new room eventually. The time when you gave back the first introduction of my first essay I was stunned because of the score. However, you have taught us to be better writers and thinkers which is the most important thing and finally we are better writers, (maybe). Anyway, I wish you have a good time, students and friends there in NU. I know you will. I have one thing for you but it's in Thai though, "Khun Pen Khon Dee, Khon Dee Tok Nam Mai Lai Tok Fai Mai Mai". I will not say goodbye because I hope someday we will meet again. I am a good student because you are one of the best teachers I have ever had in my life sir. Just like you always say "I am Me because of You".
Now, let's get back to the lesson. For me, cultural change is not a bad thing at all if we know how to manage it. From my personal experience, when I was in America I have to change myself a little bit to blend in with the Americans. However, I have many things that I kept the same. I like the way Thai kids treat the older people so I kept my manner that way. On the other hand, there are many good things that people in Americas do but Thais don't. For example, Thai people always avoid the wrong situation without proving so I follow the American's way. I do not it like when Thai students always keep quiet in the class and let the foreigner teacher stand there and talk to himself. So I do not keep the behavior of Thai students. I became a better student in with an appropriate manner because of the cultural change.
So I don't know if this experience explain my understanding of cultural change or not. What do you think Aj.Matthew.
Best luck in Pitsanulok sir.
I forget to say,
ReplyDeleteThis is the longest I could write.
I don't know anyway to make it any longer.
See you in class then.
Hello, Aj. M
ReplyDeleteThis topic is very interesting. In my opinion, I think each minority has their own identity. So, they will not delete it from their culture too. I think because they are small group. There are a few people in each minority. It is easy to control their members if anyone out of their rules.
Even if they do not delete their own culture however, they maybe change their culture a little bit. I don’t think cultural change is negative thing because if there are something changes in the minorities, it’s usually changes in the better way. I think the minorities also receive a good thing from the majorities too.
I’ve heard from my friends that this is the last semester that you staying in MFU. I am very sad to hear that. However, I think it is a good opportunity for you to meet new experience. Thank you for being my teacher. I learned many things from you. You are very good and lovely teacher. Good luck. (good grade, na 555)
I'm sorry to hear your news but I think it is a good chance of you. I hope you happy in new location of teaching.
ReplyDeleteFor your topic, minority and majority can happen at the same time because when minority happens and involves to the big group, the result is majority.
I interested in minority of Thailand such as Mhong because they are one group of hilltribe which get the right like other people in Thailand. They can get education, health keeping, ID card and so on like Thai people. Sometime, they look hi-tech group more than Thai people. They can develop themselves to go to globalization word. It's wonderful.
I believe in the past, Thai people had behavior like Mhong. Thai people tried to be community and then society and then country. However, minority and majority can make the conflict between each other too. It is normally that the conflict can happen because different location people always have different thought and attitudes. If they can apply and accept together, the conflict is a little problem. Therefore, if everyone understand each other and accept what and who they are, the peace can happen.
For the last blog of CCC, I thank for your intention to teach us. You make the history course to be a happy class and excited class too. I feel sad because in my opinion you are a good teacher. You like to teach because you are a teacher. You pay attention in your duty. I would like to be a good teacher in the future. I think you are my idol. Anyway, I am me because of you...(I mean, after I learned CCC course, I know more about myself....what and who am I.
Thank you for everything and please take care yourself.
I hope to see you again kha Aj. Matthew
ID:5031006174 ToT
Hello, teacher!!
ReplyDeleteI’m so sorry to hear that you will leave from MFU to NU. I am very happy to study with you. Thank you for everything you taught me. Anyway, good luck to you na kha.
Back to discuss about ethnic minorities and majorities. First of all, I think ethnic minorities such as Hmong people. They will have their own cultures. May be it’s different from Thai cultures but they still have a strong cultural tradition and identities more than Thai cultures. In nowadays, you can observe that Thai cultures are changing from reality. The fact that children are not participate in ceremonies as much as the past. Moreover, it has many negative sides come to change cultures such as globalization that make on people in new generation forgot their reality cultures. Besides, we adapt the cultures from Asia and Europe countries and then make new things. It’s real from you said that the future is more important than the past. However, it depends on people that make on culture, receive cultures, gain more and understand other cultures in a right way, so our cultures will be developing into the future with happiness. That’s all.
JIB ID: 5031006217
Section: 02
In my opinion, I think it is good to protect our culture with us even though we live in other culture. For the Hmong, they live in Thailand which is not their culture. They have to know about Thais culture and use it sometimes, but they keep their culture when they live together as well. such as tradition, clothes, and living. Thus, they know how to be Thai and Hmong at the same time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for everything that you taught me.
Good luck for you, Take care.
Saowarod 099 sec3
Well, I think it depends on one’s identity. Everybody has their own identity as a part of their identity come from their culture. I mean people with the same culture. But, as the question, I don’t think that other cultures change a negative thing to my culture; instead, they exchange their culture across my culture and this is a changing point. We (people in Thai culture) are not changed by other cultures but we change ourselves from our perception for example the trend of poplar cultures in Thailand. I think we may change just an external; we can not change an internal inside ourselves as it is attached to identity – Our Identity. Besides, I think exchanging culture is good as it creates Nationalism – when people in society feel to a negative thing of other cultures, they may do something to remind people in the society that they should protect and maintain their society; conversely, exchanging culture is bad because it creates cultural assimilation such as Singlish and Tinglish. Therefore, I think changing has power so it is not strange if everyone is afraid of changing.
Well, it is very interesting about topic we have learnt. The majority and minority. I think in the future maybe the minority will the same as majority. Its like chinese people that escape to Thailand and nowadays they are Thai and have power balanced as Thai. ^^
ReplyDeleteMr. Jirayu Yama
ID: 5031006012
SEction: 02
According to in class, I learned about Hmong people, I think that although Hmong is a minority in Thailand but they still have their own cultural identity for instance, the participation about the ceremony or the belief about animism.
ReplyDeleteEvery society also have the own cultural identity which depends on the difference of the environment and society. When the time passes, there are many things change also.
Many people interested in technology and try to make the civilization. The old beliefs and old cultures replaced by the modernization. In my opinion, the chance of culture can happen in positive and negative thing. For example in the positive way; the cultures are adjusted to the modern society but it remains the original belief or culture in the own identity. It just change in the properly way. For the negative way, I will give the example about Hmong people; when Hmong people become Thai citizen, they can study in the school in town where is full of the modernize things. It makes them unconsciously and cannot recognize the old identity in depth.
P.S.: Congratulation for your good chance. I wish you have a good time in a new place. You are the best teacher. I think every student think like me. Thank you for everything that you taught me. I am very happy when you give the new knowledge for me. Everything is very interesting. Good luck ka Aj. Matthew ^^
5031006166 Section 02
Hello, Matthew
ReplyDeleteI think It gonna be last block right?
When I heard this rumor that you will move to the other University, I'm so sad. You know why? Because you are a good teacher, good speaker and good listener. You always listen what I trying to say. You always accept my opinion. You are the first foreigner that makes me want to speak English more and more, because you never say something like “wai you say wrong word". You know my culture very well and you know English language it doesn't my language. So you never blame me if I say something wrong. Thankful for that. You say us special student for you, but I want to say that you are a special teacher for us too.
Ok, now keep continue the topic
The identity of my culture, it was amazing. I do not understand that why many teenager always like the other culture such as Korean Culture more than Thai Culture. You know? This is our Culture. Why we do not try to keep this culture to stay with us. We are Thai People, not Korean people right? So, try to love our culture it gonna be better.
Hello Aj. Matthew,
ReplyDeleteI'm really like this topic, it inspires me to search for more information.
If we learn this topic since last two month, I think I will choose this to be ny research topic :)
There are many minority groups in thailand that we can found them everywhere in the borader provinces. Inmy opinion, the minority group can live in the majority's culture, but, they have to adapt something to make their identity balance.
I also have a friend who's Akha.
I really like to talk to her about her culture and lifestyle.
She is also willing to tell anything we want. She can make her identities very strong among her friends who are the majority group.
To make the identities to be balance, it is not difficult to do. But ones who put their identities in their heart can make the balance of their identities.
see you tmr, good night :)
LEK, 5031006128
Good evening Aj.Matthew
ReplyDeleteHow are you today Kah Aj.?
I think you are so tried for the last day of this week like me.(@_@)
I am so sad while I had read your news; you are a good teacher for me and all of my friends.
There are a lot of teachers who teach me all of my life; you are so special teacher like some teachers in my high school.
Teacher is very important for me but a good teacher cannot find in everywhere. You helped me about my studying, give me more knowledge, encourage and suggestion in the best way. Thank you for everything that you give me and my friends.
From your questions, I think every country have the ethnic minorities. They are difference of identity, behavior, and lifestyle. However, I think people like to share their culture and a good thing for other. They have to communicate with the difference culture and exchange something to other too. If human can live with together and try to balance their own cultural by adapt a good thing and maintain the good thing, it will get more knowledge and the idea for developing our world. Thus, culture is no change in the negative way but it changes in the positive way too. It depends on mind that people realize and consider before they do. The future and the past related between them. People do everything for the future and look at back to care and learn more experience and old culture from the past.
Again…thank you for everything kah.
Have a nice time na kah.
Mary… 503 1006 025
Section 3
Hello Aj Mtthew
ReplyDeleteEverything is changing every second but we do not care them. It's impossible to stop changing but I think we should focus on how to make it better. For the minority gropus in Thailand, I think they want to be Thai people who can do everything or have authority as Thai people. Therefore, they leave their identities.
CCC is the most subject that I like to study. Before I study, I do not know why we should study this subject. I am a English major student. Why we should study about culture. Now, I already know benefits of this subject. I think it's no important only for English majot student but if we are human, we should know why we are.
Thank you for everything...
5031006005 section 1
How is it going ka Aj.M? ^_^
ReplyDeleteI really like to think of changes. Sometimes, they makes me uncomfortable just because I got to be moving on and can't be sure what would happen next. Therefore, I got to be ready for everything that keeps changing: people, feelings, opinions, societies, LIFE!!!.
Nevertheless, changes are interesting and challenging. They color up my life and even I am such a traditional person who doesn't like teenagers being disrespect, I still would like to learn new things along with globalization. By the way, I also feel sorry when some cultures or customs become fading out.
In case of the importance of the past and the future, I would make them equal; because I think if we establish a good base in the past, we will be able to develop a better change in the future.
Have a good weekend!!
Thank you, Aj. M ^_^
ID: 503 1006 001
Section 01
P.S.: Even though you have to leave MFU, I'm sure you'll be back, aren't you? And even it's sad, I'm sure it will be a good change for you....
Thank you for everything na ka.
I always enjoy studying, learning, talking, playing with you.....
Have a safe trip to NU and happy safe back here....
In my opinion, good cross cultural communication is one of the most important skills that people need for the future. It is important to know how to use technology, how to speak languages, and other knowledge that will help you in your careers....
ReplyDelete...but as the world gets smaller, and cultures are mixing more together, either by travel or technology, we are seeing more conflicts in the world than ever before.
If we want to communicate with the Other... then We will change. In my opinion, this is not a scary thing... like the Hmong quotation in the book: it is an opportunity. You have a choice to protect and defend your cultural identity from the outside, or you open it up and experience the different worlds different people bring.
But then... how to balance all of these worlds. This is cross cultural communication, and it is a life-long process. My time in Thailand and at MFU has changed me in a very deep way... and I am a better and more complete human being because of this change. I have no doubt about it.
Ajarn Matthew ka, Sa wad dee ka :)
ReplyDeleteSounds sad...T__T How sad I am!! I like studying with you. Even though you moved to another parts of the world, you will be in my heart and students' heart forever because you are a nice teacher ever naka. ^__^ Long life journey!! Enjoy moving forward for your best life and see wonderful destination. I think we all have our own dream as well. Aim high Fly high! Anyway, I hope to see you again. Thank you for everything you give me and my friends. Such a awesome memory that I once study with you in my educational life. So, I will keep this good story in my diary that I once see you in my lifetime. :) You are our special teacher as well. I am me because of you.
Just shade my tears out T__T, so plz come back to the topic.
I think that as long as our world is more flat every day, everything will be rapidly mixed, belended and changed to the new one. So, each culture is not original because it is put with new identitiesday by day. We will confuse about who and why we really are. We can't find our original of cultural identities from globalization world, as obviously seen from your lesson that Hmong are not sure that they are Thai or Hmong, or both.
However, we shouldn't be losing our cultural identities even though world is changed every day. I think culture will still endure as you mentioned. It will endure in our first socialization (fixed core culture which we perceive to represent us forever). I think I'm sure that we can find our standing point exactly.
This is all what I think ka Ajarn.
Hope you have a wonderful moment of your lifetime whatever, wherever and whenever you wish forever. Enjoy walking to the wonderful destination and travelling along with the great journey ka. ^_^
We will not forget you even though the world is rapidly changed day by day, but our good memory spending time with you will not
change and fade away. I hope you will not forget us as well naka. This impressed feeling will be still in our heart forever.
Good journey of my lifetime. Beautiful diary...
Awesome teacher, Matthew ^__^
I will not say goodbye because I hope to see you again someday.
So, see you ka Ajarn :)
Tipparat [Mingming] ID: 503-1006-031 Section 01
Hi Aj. M
ReplyDeleteIt’s sad to know that you’ll leave, but I want to thank you for teaching me. Honestly, I never interested in cultural subject, but your teaching changed my mind, and I’m happy to study with you. However, I wish you happy and good luck with a new place.
For me, I think changing in culture is a normal thing, and people will not stay at the same place. Even though our culture is changed, but I think we can keep our identity.
When you taught me about Hmong at Doi Pui, I just thought about myself because I’m Chinese, the minority groups. I have to adjust myself for Thai society, but on the other hand, I don't lose my identity.
Thank you for everything.
Jesus bless you
ID 5031006180
Section 2
Nowadays, everybody always hear many news about the conflict between Ethnic minorities and majorities. These conflict may be come from the unbalance between one of their own culture identity and the other culture identity. It is very important to make them balance. In the globalization world, intercultural personhood is the one alternative to make the balancing between those culture identity.Although, ethnic minorities and majorities are different in term of culture identities, but also we can combine them together. We can be more complete human beings for living in peace together with synergize. Both ethnic minorities and majorities have their own nationalism, so we just mix and match with other culture identity by selecting to learn good points and adapt ourselves into its. We are not copied all but still keep, defend, and preserve our own culture identity. I think these are enough for making the balance between them. Culture is change a negative thing by synergy but I do not agree that the future is more important than the past because I think every period are important equally.
ReplyDeleteFinally, I am sorry to heard your confirmation that you will move to teach at NU. I make me very shock but break a leg, Aj.Matthew. Thank you for give me many knowledge. Thank you to understand who and why I am. Thank you for provide comparable learning environment to a less self confident student like me.
I can remember when my grandfather who is the one representative of my father died, you cheered me up. Not thing to say because it impressed me a lot and I bet all students feel like me! Here is the song from my heart that I changed little lyric for you.
Dear: My good teacher and brother, Aj. Matthew. Budha bless you!
To Sir With Love (Lulu)
Those university days,
of learning and playing games in class are gone,
But in my mind,
I know they will still live on and on,
But how do you thank someone,
who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn't easy, but I'll try,
มันไม่ง่ายเลย แต่ฉันจะพยายาม
If you wanted the sky I would write across the sky in letters,
ถ้าคุณต้องการแผ่นฟ้า ฉันจะเขียนข้อความข้ามผืนฟ้านั่น
That would soar a thousand feet high,
To Sir, with Love
The time has come,
For closing books and long last looks must end,
วันที่สิ้นสุดการเรียน และการดูแลอันยาวนานต้องจบลง
And as you leave,
I know that I am leaving my best friend,
A friend who taught me right from wrong,
And weak from strong,
That's a lot to learn,
What, what can I give you in return?
If you wanted the moon I would try to make a start,
ถ้าครูอยากได้ดวงเดือน ฉันก็จะเพียรพยายาม
But I, would rather you let me give my heart,
To Sir, with Love
ID 5031006159 Sec 03
Good evening..>>Aj.Matthew :)
ReplyDeleteI’m very sad for the bad news that you will move to the new place. Anyway, I’m so happy and lucky student that I studied with you. You are a good teacher for me because you can bring me the good knowledge and new experiences. When I didn’t understand some lesson you can explain me more with kindness. I like the way you teach and the way you act to students. You always politeness to student.
For the question, In my opinion I think that every cultural identity can be change from the new attractions cultural. But not at all, it depends on how each culture always protects and preserves lot or not. Culture change will be change in the negative or not, it depends on which way that you want to make culture be. Some people will think that the new culture is more important than the past because it can bring the new thing to their culture. In contrast, some people think in the converse, they think that the old cultural is more important than new one.
However, changing is not bad, but how we balance good!!
Always Take Care :)
ID: 5031006218
5031006051 :: Dew :P
ReplyDeleteIn the beginning, I wanna say 3rd quiz is very difficult. I and my friend try to answer but not sure correct or wrong!
About the movie, Gran Torino, I think it can helps audience clear and understand cross cultural. It is a good film to study the different of majority and minority. I never heard the name of director, Clint Eastwood. After the movie finished, his name still in my head and I want to know him more.
Anyway, thank you for sharing a good movie to us.
I believe, all students won't forget a special time with you today. Everything always still in my mind.
Good night :)
PS. I hope to read a new topic on Monday!
Hello, Aj Matthew ^^
ReplyDeleteIn my point of view, I think changing is not a negative thing especially when it is a good change. Cultural change is also not 100% bad as long as we still know who we really are, now your real identities, keep doing the traditional things, and do not forget what your culture are. I think a movie that we watched today is a really good example for this :)
I do agree with you that the world has changed and the cultures are mixed together. We should not be afraid becuase it is a chance to experience the different worlds and different people. However, sometimes it makes me worried that someday my cultures would disappear!! It seems that it is quite difficult this generation of people to see what are the real meaning of Thai culture and traditionals. I just hope that what I fear a's bout would not happen. That is all for what I have to tell you about the blog of the week.
Before I go back to my dorm, right now I'm working hard for many assignments near the library, I would like to tell you something. I am very glad that we have an opportunity to meet each other this year. You are one of my favourite teachers and it is so sad that you're leaving us. I hope we can see each other again someday. Sorry if I am not one of the best students of yours. I tried my best to be good though. Anyway, good luck and take care na kha.
God bless you my teacher
Section 01
Hello Aj. Matthew
ReplyDeleteI think changing in culture is not always the bad things. It's hard to know how to balance our culture with the other cultures. It is definitely a natural part of life, but I have seen many cultures lost forever,and I think that shouldn't happen too quickly. However, we have to admit it. When you've mentioned about how to balance the cultures, I think of India. India has a very strong cultural beliefs, although they were colonized by England. It is an amazing country and I think a very good example of a good combination between British culture and Indian culture. The main reason that I decided to go to India on my last holiday was because I plan to study about movie making. I am very interested in the Bollywood culture of how can they combine their Indian style with hollywood style, and still not only they survive, but become one of the biggest movie industrial countries! That's really amazing on this world of "globalization"!
P.S. On this last blog, I would like to say thank you to you for being such a great teacher! I really like to listen to your experiences and how you perceive things, especially other people and cultures. I have to say that you are almost the only teacher who not only teaching but also listening to us,the students.
Thank you again Aj. Matthew. I wish you a successful and joyful life. After this semester I hope to see you again some day.
Bay 4931006184
Nowadays, we face to many new cultures that come to our life through the great development of technologies. Sometimes , we percieve those strange cultures, and forget our own beautiful property. That's not fair for our ancestor that they tried to keep our culture valueable.
ReplyDeleteSo, we should learn new things from other culture, and we must maintain beautiful culture that we already have and make it better.
Cutural change is not negative thing , I think. It depends on each person recieve those changes and how they adapt it to thier lives.
People always get new things and forget the past, so they let the past worthless. This the time that we should flashback to the part, learn it ,a nd make thing in the future better.
So, Goodluck na ka.
I hope that you will meet nice people there.
I wish you'll be happy with your life.
Today, we all were so sad. Anyway, we are happy to be your student. We love you na ka Aj. Matthew ^^
Ps. I am me because of you too.
Aom 5031006014 ^^
Hi Aj,M
ReplyDeleteFor overall of the topics that I already learned. I think Hmong has been changed from the past becuase of new technologies, education, and others. But most of Hmong always keep ethnic minorities and there majorities untill today. I think that if we are protect our culture, we will not lost our culture like Hmong. Hmong is a one culture that I saw from the movie and read from the book in the class that I very pround of them
For you Aj, Matthew, you are teach a lot of things about my grammar, my active. Then I give your name that you are my grammar.
Parichat Poomthong
ID: 5031006048 Section: 03
Hi, Aj. Matthew :)
ReplyDeleteAbout the topic this week, I agree with you about the language and culture cannot separate. Some culture may have one or more language. For a case study about Hmong people in Chiang Mai make me know that a culture and identity might have an effect for their group. Mostly of people proud about their culture and I am the one of them. I am proud to be Thai. I love my country and the king of Thailand. The king of Thailand, he is a person who is a restraint of Thai people.
About your question, I think cultural change is negative think. Although, it might be a nature because a globalization is coming to each culture more and more. However, we can keep everything that come from your own culture adapt with our daily life.
PS. I hope you will not forget us and the life or memory at MFU. Thank you for everything that you give me, I will keep in my mind and I hope you will not leave grade ‘F’ for us na ka. ;) Good luck ka Aj. M :D
Name: Thank you*
ID: 503 1006 022 Section: 03
Hello, Aj. M
ReplyDeleteI'm back again with the answer
Question 1: How does one balance their own cultural identity with the attractions of other cultural identities?
This is hard for me to answer, but according to my experience, I once influenced by Korean fewer. At that time everything must be in Korean style for me. I was like that about 3-4 years then realized that I was surrounded by Korean cultures too mush. The signal that woke me up is others; they are crazy and seriously try to look like Korean. That's why I think that I was too much with Korean and step back.
I'm not sure whether this is the answer of your question or not, but it's just like that.
Question 2: Is cultural change a negative thing? Or, is it just a natural part of history and life: the future is more important than the past... what do you think?
I have to answer that I believe that everything has reasons. Whatever happens in this planet must have cause & effect. So, culture in my opinion cannot separate neither bad nor good thing because the definition of good and bad are depend on who are you asking. And a new thing does not better than the old one all the time. Moreover, I believe that the past, present, and the future are equally important.
5031006063 section. 01
ReplyDeleteHi aj.M
ReplyDeleteCultural change is not a negative thing, I think. It depends on what we receive. The Hmong for example; they got their health care and received the higher levels education to be better. These changes are very useful for them, especially education that improves their child’s knowledge…(flux culture).
But when we receive those changes, we have to remain or fix our identity. We cannot change completely, but we can mix cultures together. For example; Hmong teenagers changed their lifestyles to be more modern, hang out at night, but if they remain following their ceremonies as same as their ancestors do, its fine. (Culture mixes is a new Hmong).
We have learned and experienced from the past, but we should move on to the future because we cannot go back to any part of the past.
Well…thank you for all thoughtful topics. I learn from this blog very much. Thank you for the chance to study with you this semester, both writing 3 and CCC. You are my best teacher. :) You are so impressive for me too.
I am me because of you.
Hopefully, we will meet again
Good luck
Pui #5031006055
Section # 02
Hi Aj.Matthew!
ReplyDeleteThe 'Gran Torino' make me cried. It's the best movie, I would collect it in my stock!
Thanks for good movie!
For our topic, I state that the cultural change is the par of our history. The Humanity should keep going on and go ahead. We love our culture but if 'something' could make we survive in this world. We should do it.
However, I did not state that we should 'change' our culture. We must remain our culture and protect by improve our culture, not change.
The best ways we should do in this era are get stronger and better than each others.
Ps.I will say Good Luck to You,Aj.M. I hope we will see you again in someday. Wheel of Fortune is starting.
Mr.Rawin Petchwattana
5031006173 Sec 2 Win
I think that the changing of culture is not bring just only a negative result. In the other hand, sometime the changing of culture can bring a positive result to people and socitety that we obviously see in the globalization. As we know, this result can help people have more an alternative way and channel to connect betweem people around the world. By the way, keeping the cultural identities is important in oder to maintain the cultural heritage for transfering to the next generation.
I almost forget this blog, seriously.
ReplyDeletei think, we were born in the part of "old" and "new"
when i was young, i like listening to music with the casette tape, but now is not.
Moreover, i think language will come with culture.
I'm Thai, when i was in America and live with American culture.
i have one example, i worked in travel plaza on thruway. After, i finished my work, i was free.
But, my friend still work,so i help my friend to finish her work as much as i can.
At that time, my manager come and yell me, they thought that i need more money that's why i help my friend.
I tried to explain them that i just help, i don't need any money. In Thai, we call "nam jai", but no such this word in English at all.
I didn't understand them at that time, but now i knew that language come with culture certainly.
Moreover, I grew up with Chinese and Thai culture. I'm the first grandchild of the family,but i'm a girl.
Chinese people do not like girl, i think
But i don't care because my mom is Thai.
My mom and family (Thai) love me very much.
They took care of me really good.
I never feel upset or disappointed for my Chinese family, because i understand.
Actually, after i studied with u, i felt like understand everything clearer.
And make me feel "neutral"
When someone or something happen to me in bad way, i try to understand it.
Thank you for being my lovely teacher.
Have a beautiful life.
There are many reasons of the changing of Hmong people in Chiangmai as we discussed in class such as the location ,tourist or the minority group of Hmong people.I think the changing of Hmong people is not the negative thing because nowadays we are living in the globalization .It might be OK if Hmong people change themselves to be modernize people ,higher education , have a medical care and infrastructure in their village because it can accommodate Hmong people .At the same time Hmong people can notice what is going of the world in nowadays.However, during we change something we should not forget to reserve our identity ,tradition,clothing and language of our ancestor because these thing is the most valuable thing .It is like think globally act locally.
ReplyDeleteID :5031006045 (tee)
Good day!
ReplyDeleteI couldn’t believe that this semester will be over soon. It’s gone very fast. I want to thank you to you for teaching us in this semester. I believe that everyone has enjoyed studying with you.
As we discussed about language and culture cannot separate. Since it couldn’t be apart, one of these also creates one another. In the past, the culture seemed to come before language while, in present language influence a new culture. I think nobody want to lose either their cultures or identities but as we need languages to communicate with others in every single day. The languages are able to influence us without concerning about what is the real language used? That could one factor of losing culture and identity.
good evening Aj.M
ReplyDeleteAccording to your question, I think the change of culture give us both of negative and positive but it depend on attitude of each person. For me, it is more positive than negative. Culture is a nature part of history and life, and it is more important even the future or the part. It might no tomorrow if it have not yesterday. This is my idea toward your question ^^,
Ps. I would like to say GOOD LUCK to you, Aj.M.
In new place you may face some thing unpresant but I hope you can pass it easily. Thank you for all that you teach and give, I will keep it into my memory. Thank you for the BEST MEMOREAL and hope to see you again in one day ^^
yo, 5031006172, sec.2
First thing, I would like to talk the situation that it occurred on Saturday. I saw many students love you. Someone cried. When I saw them I cried with them too. I do not want you go to other place because you are a best teacher at MFU but it is your duty. I know when you teach, many students will be good students because of you. I like your teaching style; it is easy to understanding. Thank you for everything.
ReplyDeleteFor questions, I never thought these questions before until you ask me. After I read your journal, my brains have many questions and I want to know now. Why Hmong culture does not change like other cultures? Why other cultures do not keep their culture? Why we follow with larger society? These are my question when I read the journal but I cannot answer my self. But I know I like their style was not changed. I my opinion, Hmong receive much knowledge and other culture to their styles. But they adjust when they use. They change and apply their culture when they stay in other culture. When they live in their culture they still use their culture. Most I think their will adjust and learn good thing that they receive from other culture. Most culture has positive way.
In Thailand, least people pressure their culture because They afraid strange from other people and larger countries.
Miss Kornkanok Nonthanum
ID.5031006004 Section.3
Good evening kha
ReplyDeleteAj. Matt
For this last topic and the last lesson, I have learned many things from Hmong people such as adaption, culture and attitude. You and they taught me about preparing to accept with change like globalization. Change will become a negative side when people forget their own culture and it will be positive side when people learn to adapt it with properly. For example, Hmong people try to develop or adapt themselves their culture to being similar with Thai such as education, ID card, and changing Thai name. They are so wonderful when they said that they are both Hmong and Thai. They know that combination between Thai and Hmong can help them to get an opportunity to touch with other or culture while sharing their own culture to another in the same time when there are some tourist come to visit their village. Moreover, they receive some advantage for their changing as well such as tourism. However, they still remain the old customs such as dressing and languages for maintain their own identity balancing. Therefore, all human should bring Hmong to be a pattern when someone ask you “Who and why are you”. We should conservation in our own culture and open mind to understand another culture, because sharing is a great thing.
In fact, I have visited this last blog for the first day that you post it, but I not dare to write or give an opinion for the question, because this blog is the last for me. Thank you for developing me and trying to help me good like other friends. Thank you for remembering my nickname and real name. On ccc quiz day, I saw many friends cried, but I’m not, because I hurry to back in my dome to cry. I’m just feeling like you are a benevolence person of me. Sorry about my English and my straight face. I wish you have a great life and strong. Good luck and “ Pra Khum Krong” kha.
ReplyDeleteID: 5031006183
It is the very good question that reminds teenagers to know the cultural importance.
ReplyDeleteIt is imperative that everything in the world has changed because of globalization. Some people think that globalization brings the good thing for new generation. It can spend less time in many activities than the past. In these statements, sometimes I had agreed with that. However, since last 6 years, I have ever studied in Chiang-Mai College of Drama Tic Arts in Khon(โขน) program for 3 years. I can know that Thai cultures in terms of performances are damaged by Thai even though they know that Thai performances are the heritage of ancient people. This is only one thing that I know from last 6 years. When I have studied in MFU, I can still observe the cultural problems. For example, many students try to go to aboard for traveling even though they do not travel in many provinces yet. Some person uses very expensive brand name product even though the quality is not better that Thai product. Some person tries to study in Eastern dancing even though they have never learned in Thai before. Some person tries to eat the Eastern food by forgetting Thai food.
From the above observations, I think that we do not have the balance in our cultural. We just only receive the aboard cultures without adaptation and consideration. I do not mean receiving aboard cultures will be the negative way only. Some culture that we receive will be the positive if it is mixed with the original. For examples, hot spicy with spaghetti. It is Thai food which is mixed together with Eastern food. Other example, I have ever heard Thai music is mixed with Eastern music and it is smooth song. The one thing that I have seen and very sad is foreigners can WAI and pronounce Thai words better than Thais. Why do these situations are happened in Thai society? I do not want to receive all of your answers but I need you to think of it.
From all opinions, I think that receiving aboard cultures have more negative that positive.
Pink 5031006228
ReplyDeleteI think a person can balance his/her own root culture and other cultures by joining and practicing all cultures that are important to him/her equally. I'm considered a minority in Thailand because I'm Chinese but I commit myself on being part of both Thai and Chinese cultures, and even western cultures in Thailand. As McCaskill expresses in the book that it is an opportunity being part of many cultural identities because it's like I can have more privileges or eligibility to be an in-group person in a different culture. I know how to behave and communicate with others effectively.
A cultural change in my opinion isn't a negative thing but yes it may be a little negative to one's root culture. The change brings new visions to understand the concept of man and nature. A cultural change is a natural part of history and life. Everyday we create new histories, new rules, and new knowledge. Today we would think of yesterday but tomorrow we will think of today.
It is such disappointing news that you'll be gone for good. You are a great instructor. Honestly, I have never seen an instructor like you who teaches the cultures understandingly. You know, Cross-culture is my favorite course this semester. It's just a terrible surprise, I don't know. This is also a natural part of life and history. We miss and find many things in life. To us, I hope you may be lost and found. Anyway, thank you for giving us a ton of knowledge. Your instructions won't be forgotten. This could be the last time for us to see your face.
Section: 02
Thank you for this blog discussion.
ReplyDeleteThere are some excellent comments...
Pink: I understand your feeling about balance. You seem to think that there is no balance in Thai culture, and that it is changing without and care or consideration. I think many people think like you. It might be useful to think about "fix" and "flux". Some things are fixed. Those fixed things are deep and they last generation to generation.
If you saw the movie (Gran Torino), you could see the Hmong living in America. They speak English, wear western clothes, have new lives in a new country: But you can also see the "fixed" culture, and how tight their community remains. Thai culture will never disappear. Some things will flux for sure, and it might be annoying or silly... but the fixed symbols, images, and ideas will last.
No one can steal our identity from us.
Thank you for every topic until the last topic “Ethnic Minorities and Majorities”. Majorities group can change the culture of minorities group, but minorities group cannot. Globalization is the main factor of culture changes; even how it has more affect it cannot destroy the real identity.
ReplyDeleteP.S.: Ajarn kah, thanks for everything, thanks for your kindness, thanks for your understanding, thanks for your suggestions, thanks for your knowledge, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks,…α
“More than words, we can touch by heart”
ID: 5031006040
Section: 02
How to balance culture? In my opinion, we have to keep our culture and apply some good culture which it is appropriate to our culture.
ReplyDeletePeople's life is developing to globalization era. We make ourselves to created things faster and quantity. At the same times, we decrease our old lifestyle (living with nature). Changing culture will be negative or positive; it depends on what we do. Time is our part, present, and future. We have to know our ancients story, we have to do today life in our best, and we have to think of future.
ID 5031006194 sec.02
I wish U to be happy in everywhere U go or everything U do.
I think we cannot find the way to balance because the world are changed and other will change too.
ReplyDeleteSo, we should know everything around our life because it is not similarly with yesterday. it likes my life-style will change all of the time.
Our culture will change or not that depend on each other. Because of each other have different idea and emotion.
Jutawan Piansiripinyo ID 5031006135 Section 3
# I wish you happy as you stay at MFU when you go to NU. Thank you for every things. You are lovely teacher. I will not forget you and I hope that I wil have a chace to see you again. ^^