Communication is possible. Communication is necessary. Communication is a choice. It is up to our attitudes and feelings whether we choose to make cross cultural communication possible or not. And so we must develop our attitudes and feelings to a place where we feel able to make that choice.
In class, I introduced ideas about Confucius and Eastern cultural traditions with Plato and Western traditions of thinking. The main differences that we started to explore are collectivism (social harmony) and individualism (individual reason). These two traditions inspire in us our ideas about family and community, lifestyle choices and behaviour, and goals for the future. In many ways, Confucius and Plato seem to have incredibly huge cultural distance between them.
Question: If Confucius and Plato could meet and have a conversation, what do you think they would talk about, and on what do you think they could agree?
This is not a trick question. Think about yourself and your communication with people from other traditions. Maybe you have experiences or examples of where cultural distance did not make communication difficult, but surprising, new, and revealing.
I'm looking forward to your thoughts. Aj. M
"When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves." Confucius
ReplyDeleteThis question is quite hard, I guess...
I don't know Plata exactly, and Confucius is too.
However, from the learning in the class, I see the different points of those two.
I think that's not easy to make them have a conversation.
Okay try to imagine...
maybe... they will share the ideas of the philosophy that they respect.
I have seen the situation like this before. It's from a japanese drama. There are two characters; one believes in the "perfect harmony" and another has a faith of making it by your own.
These two persons come to fight and proof their believes.
Despite, I think it depends on the point of views of each people.
No one is wrong and both are not right always.
So they might shared their knowledge and proof their believes
If I was one of them, I will do like that.
Ps. I've catched a cold for 2 days.
Hope all of you guys are fine
plz, take care of yourself.
Hi, Aj.Matthew and CCC friends,
ReplyDeleteI think if they had a coversation, the think that they may talk about would be somethig like their point of view of their own society or things like that (This is a very hard question).
It is hard to tell that what they might agree with one another.
And these are what I think if they ahd conversation.
First, they are thinkers, so they could share their thoughts and experiences that could make people from both two sides to understand each other and live together in peace. At least they are good philosophers, they are not other from each other (If they can speak the same language).
The second is from the differnces of their thoughts. They might contributed the new method of their thought that are combined between collectivism and individualism and to be new idea to make cross cultural communication more successful.
The thirs id the one who think another's opinion is better may change the way he thinks to be like another's opinion. Therefore, one of those two traditions might be gone.
For me, the third one is the most interesting, because I found many people changed themselves to be like other group that they see it's better. Like some people change their religion.
I am the one who change my thoughts.
When I was a child, I was thinking that I should do and get a job that my relatives wnated me to be. I used to be a buddhis, because my family and many of my friends believe in buddhism. Now I find out that I cannot count on anyone but myself and I always have right to have my own thoughts and beleive. Then I choose to be what I want to be and do what I want to do. And I chose to believe in myself and choose myself to stand by my side instead of using religion to give me some hope.
So, I think it depends on our judgement.
But, I always think that as a human, we all never want conflict.
I have read a cartoon about two gropus of people who have they different thoughts about the world. One thinks that people should help each other to fix a new world from the same old riun world that they are live in (like collectivism). Another thinks that they should destroy this old world and make a new world by themselves (like individualism, I think).
My question is...
When we see men of contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves, then what? Accept?, Against?, or what?
Well, I think I talk too much.
So these are what I think.
Maybe you guys find it useful.
It's still hot here (for me).
Anyway, take care.
Dear Aj. Mathew
ReplyDeleteWhat would be happen if the 2 greatest philosophers meet? Quite hard to thinking about.
Confucius: I heard something interesing about you, Plato. Many people said that you are homosexual. Are you?
... oh please forgive me, it's come first in my head when I read your question ...
T_T sorry, you said that those are not trick questions
ok. I think they have to introduce each other first. Take a seat and start the conversation with some snack or drink. They are need to express their ideas and learn more each other. Although they are very different, i believe that they are continue the conversation. Step by step, day by day, month by month (if they have enough times!)
No matter how long they take, they will learn more each other. And i hope that they will find the link of both sides; West and East. Many beliefs and cultures are not the same, but Confucius and Plato will be except another differences.
May be they will ask and answer; for example, why do we birth? What are we need in our own life?
These are some interesting comments...
ReplyDeleteGon-mek, you talk about a Japanese cartoon where people fight to prove their beliefs. Maybe Plato and Confucius will have an argument (although I think Confucius will be very peaceful and calm). But this is clearly what often happens in the world... and we have war because of cross-cultural misunderstandings... because of our ethnocentrism.
Paechan, I also appreciate your metaphor about the broken city. I think you understand very clearly the active and passive nature of collectivistic and individualistic traditions.
And a. apple... I think that you're absolutely right that understanding can only come from time and long communication. If we do that, a new culture can develop that can include everyone. In our globalized world that we have today... I believe that it is our only choice.
ReplyDeleteIt's very difficult question.
I can't guess what they want to talk about. Maybe, they will talk aout their theory or something that they want to know about each her.
Take care...
Thank you for the comment Aj Matthew
ReplyDeleteI also think the way that those two people will sit together and share some ideas is only the situation that we would like it to be.
In the real world, I don't think people can accept other's opinion so easily.
Wars are the results of misunderstanding between cross culture like Aj. Matthew said.
Especially, the belief that people very strict with.
Um... It's just my opinion.
Confucious is calm and peaceful, I think all belief is peaceful. this statement is true but not all people will think as the same.
Finally, understanding will be the one to lead people peaceful. And the main factor is the time that people will use spending learning people together.
However, in the world's history, I think this point seems not important.
It's quite difficult question .
ReplyDeleteIt's not easy to make the conversation with people you dont know before. Think carefully if you give him the converstaion and he didn't like to talk with about yours...
I think the concept of non-verbal com. is really used for this situation. You can see their body movement or their feeling through their appereance before you make the convasation. And you may talk to the common like the weather or shere the experience on something..this may be the good converstion to make friends.
I have experience about this situation before..when I travel alone in abroad..i don't know anyone and I feel hard to make friends with the other when i see their character, some of them make me fear at the first time we met but when we start the conversation...the world is close.I fell that they are a good one and they are so lkind with far from their appereance I though first.
I have heard that you travel around more and how about your experience Aj.Matthew. Have you face this situation before and what should you do about it?
see yah...and Take care
I'm happy to read your comments.
ReplyDeleteI have been lucky to experience many cultures. And at first, I was surely ethnocentric. I made mistakes. I miscommunicated and maybe even offended people.
However, I have also experienced the great kindnesses of strangers. I have been lost in strange cities, sick in strange hospitals, and hungry with strange food... but I'm still ok, because the people there knew what they were doing, and I was able to put away my ethnocentrism and trust in their cultural traditions. This has been the biggest change in me and in my life.